You know I’m certain that someone keeps putting signs up above my opening link. I’m sure I have no idea where they are coming from............honest! Oh well all the free advertising is not going to do me any harm!
Well here we are again folks. Another exciting instalment of Captain Jacks Tracks. As you will of noted from last week, I gave a bit of much needed work to ex England manager (Don’t Laugh He Was In Charge, Well he thought he was) Steve McClaren. As he helped me with the announcement of the new Fifa online league segment of the blog, it occurred to me that there are loads of football icons who I have in my filofax, who would be more than welcome to offer their services in adding to this ever more popular blog, stay tuned to see who gets to announce this weeks big games later.
Yes we have it all here for you again this week. More from celebrity artist Ronnie Wood, another Hot Chick for you to cast your eyes over, a classic track for your weekly blast from the past, a very special live is best, and five songs in the Karaoke section that I sang this week, and they really do go from one extreme to another this week folks.
This week proved to be one of the busiest for a few week’s, with the pub quite full for a Thursday, and with a full crew of singers in it was a surprise to get five songs in this week, But we did and on the night a very entertaining performance from our new resident nutter, whose name escapes me for now, but is lovingly refered to as ’mother’ by her loyal fans, gave us an outstanding performance of Celine Dion’s ’My Heart Will Go On’, which has to be seen to be believed. We have discussed this one in depth, and we are all in agreement that this wouls make a huge hit on YouTube! Watch this space for and further updates!
So as the night wore on and it came to an end it was time to star to reflect on what would end up in this weeks blog, and here we go folks, strap yourself in for the ride.
Captain Jacks Classic Track # 3
Van Halen - Ain’t Talkin Bout Love 1978
Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love is one of Van Halen’s best loved tracks. Taken from the bands first album ‘Van Halen’, it is synonymous with the raw power feel that the band became famous for. The opening guitar riff to the track is one of the best ever, and inspired many guitarists, such as Slash from Gun’s & Roses’s, to take up guitar. The song has almost a punk feel to it, but the guitar solo’s of Eddie Van Halen shine throughout the record.
The song was written by Eddie Van Halen a whole year before the record was put together, and at the time he felt it wasn’t good enough for an album track, so he kept it from his bandmates. But when he was sat in his basement at home one day, tinkering with the songs format, he was walked in on by his brother Alex, and lead singer David Lee Roth, who both fell for the song’s amazing riff, and insisted it would be a huge hit.
They were right, and the single went to number one on the US rock chart, and Van Halen’s rise to the top began.With their 1978 eponymous debut, Van Halen simultaneously rewrote the rules of rock guitar and hard rock in general. Guitarist Eddie Van Halen redefined what electric guitar could do, developing a blindingly fast technique with a variety of self-taught two-handed tapping, hammer-ons, pull-offs, and effects that mimicked the sounds of machines and animals. It was wildly inventive and over the top, equaled only by vocalist David Lee Roth, who brought the role of a metal singer to near-performance art standards. Roth wasn't blessed with great technique, unlike Eddie, but he had a flair for showmanship that was derived as much from lounge performers as Robert Plant. Together, they made Van Halen into the most popular American rock & roll band of the late '70s and early '80s, and in the process set the template for hard rock and heavy metal for the '80s. Throughout the '80s, it was impossible not to hear Van Halen's instrumental technique on records that ranged from the heaviest metal to soft pop. Furthermore, Roth's irony-drenched antics were copied by singers who took everything literally. One of these was Sammy Hagar, an arena rock veteran from the '70s who replaced Roth after the vocalist had a falling out with Van Halen in 1985. Hagar stayed with the band longer than Roth, helping the group top the charts through the late '80s and early '90s. However, the group's sales began to slide in the mid-'90s, just as tensions between Hagar and Eddie began to arise. In one of the most disastrous publicity stunts in rock history, Hagar was fired, or as he states quit, and Roth was brought back on, seemingly as a permanent member, but only for two songs on a greatest-hits album. The band has continued to tour and has gone from the Hagar to Roth line up several times, but in 2007 they began a World Tour with Sammy Hagar as lead singer, but they were recording new material during the tour with Dave Lee Roth, how strange.
The opening riff of the song has long been used by budding guitarists, and has also been used as a sample on several rap and dance tracks, including Tone Loc and 2 Live Crew, and most notably on Apollo 440’s 1997 single ‘Ain’t Talkin’‘Bout Dub’, which got to number seven in th UK charts. The song was also played by Velvet Revolver, and of course Slash, as Van Halen were inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2007.
My, My, My I am treating you all with these classic tracks. Don’t worry, there are hundreds yet to come, and they won’t all be rock, well yes they will but some will be not as rocky as others, well of course they will be but as I said they will all be classic, well they will be classic in my eyes anyway, and as I pick them then I will have the final say, so no crap there then!
So as we march ever onwards its time for our little delve into funny corner now with……………
Captain Jacks Joke Of The Week
“ Three Soldier reach the final round of test’s to join the SAS, and are called together to speak with an interviewer. “ Do You Love Your Wife? ” said the officer “ Yes Sir! ” the three replied. “ And Do You Love Your Country? ” the officer asked “ Sir, Yes Sir ” said the men. “And who do you love more, your wife or your country? ” asked the officer. Without hesitation all three replied “Sir, My Country Sir ”
The officer stared at them all and said “We want you to prove this loyalty to us. Your wives are sat through that door and we want you to take this gun and shoot your loved one ”
The first man stares at the gun for a few minutes, gulps, looks worryingly at the officer and says “ I’m sorry Sir I can’t ” and leaves.
The second man picks up the gun and walks into the room. A few minutes later he comes back out looking as white as a sheet. Sweaty and with his tie loosened he hands back the gun and says “ I’m sorry I just couldn’t do it ”
The final man picks up the gun and walks into the room. After a brief silence the officer hears the sound of a gunshot. There’s a brief pause, then he hears a woman scream, and the sound of an almighty crash. Grinning and breathless the recruit comes out from the room.
The officer looks up at him and shouts “What the hell happened in there? ”
The recruit replied “Well the gun you gave me only fired blanks, So I had to beat her to death with the chair ”
Hmm if ever there was an entrance exam that went wrong that was it! Oh well I’m sure none of you are reading that and thinking that its that easy to get into the SAS!
So now we get to the part of the blog where I do my very best to bring to you my recommendation for something to pass away the few hours a week you get spare away from reading Captain Jacks Tracks in………………
Captain Jack Recommends
So this week I managed to get to watch a brilliant film again. A real scary one as well this week. It was about this island in America called Amityville, you know the one from the song by Lovebug Starski. Anyway this bird gets her kit off and goes for a swim in the dark. As she swims out this music gets louder and louder until she gets pulled under the water by an unseen force, see scary. Anyway the local cop Broody think it’s a sea monster or a shark of some kind when her hand is washed up on the beach.
The cop closes the beach down until they catch the shark, but the nasty Mayor, booo, opens the beach back up to the punters as it the Fourth of July, and he’s not to let on to the locals about the shark, and he’s in charge so bugger you copper!. So the cop climbs a ladder and goes a bit loopy as kids swim round with a bit of a fin on their back. He runs down shouting “Get out of the water there a big thingy in it” Everyone runs out of the water except a little lad, who for some reason had a mother who is quite clearly in her 80’s, and this little lad gets eaten by his lilo, go figure! So the copper admits to everyone that there is this big lilo shark eating people, and whoever catches it will get interviewed on the tv by a fit bird, and make some cash in the bargain.
So every fisherman goes out to catch the beasty, and they catch a big shark. Not convinced that it’s the right one the cop gets in an expert to cut up the shark to see what its had for dinner, but all it had eaten was a few car number plates, a copy of gardeners weekly, a large bottle of Pepsi and the odd fish, how strange!
So the cop, the shark expert and an old sea dog named Quiff, set out to catch the big shark. Now what was it called. So they are sailing round chucking bits of meat over the side of the boat when bang, it gets attacked by this bloody big shark with huge Jaws, now what was this film called. Anyway as they are all talking about their scars this big shark attacks them again, and smashes the boat up. The expert jumps into a cage and hide’s on the sea bed as he is a useless wimp. The old sea dog says to the copper, I have a plan, and jumps into the sharks mouth with a big knife, probably thinking he can kill it from the inside out, nutter.
Anyway the copper is now on the boat on his own thinking bloody great, all I wanted was a few days off fishing and look, the boats sinking the expert has buggered off, and the old sea dog has gone nuts and been eaten by the lilo shark. So he has a brain wave and chucks a gas bottle into the sharks mouth, who plans on having the cop for seconds. Then he shouts at the fish, chew on that you big sharky thing with huge Jaws. You know its on the tip of my tongue what this film was called. So he picks up his gun and shoots at gas bottle, and boom the shark blows up just like that. Then, after its dead the expert re-appears and say’s is it gone now I hate sharks, and the pair of them swim off back to the island on a raft made from shark bits and bits of old lilo it had eaten. Now what the hell was it called, you know I’m terrible at remembering these film titles, wait a minute that’s it, it was…………………The Wizard Of Oz Hmm I’m sure that you will be rushing out now to buy that great film on DVD, but watch out for pirates! And where the heck are all these signs coming from.
So its guest time now, and with his help my good pal Ronnie Wood is here again with another artistic approach to the celebrity news this week. The Stones Guitarist has been busy this week with the release of the Shine A Light film about the band in concert, but he still found time to send me another of his celebrity picture of a story that has hit the news stands this week. So here we have the latest edition of...........
Captain Jacks Celebrity Bull-Plop Story #3
Kiss legend Gene Simmons enjoyed a blast from his past this week, when he interviewed his ex-girlfriend Cher for a US T.V. show. The rocker was asked to be the guest interviewer by news show Extra, when producers wanted a twist to the Cher interview.
The two old friend chatted about her upcoming Las Vegas residency, her beauty tips and political leanings, but the interview soon turned saucy.
When Simmons asked her about her love life, Cher revealed she often dated up to three men at a time, explaining how she juggled them, “One, one day, One, another day etc etc” “Only three at a time” Simmons sniggered.
Cher also came clean about her drug taking past, telling the Kiss star “I once smoked pot in to 70’s as I wanted to look cool, but I didn’t like it so I never did it again” The rebel! As you can see Ronnie captured the two on the show almost perfectly.
I'm sure that Ronnie has got an artistic flair that we can all relate to, you can really see how he captures the lifelike looks on those celebrity faces can't you! Anyway time for this week mid session interval. Here to help you break up all this reading is your weekly little game in.....
Captain Jacks Five Minute Scive
Five Minutes to Kill Yourself
So here we are at for some unknown reason, the most popular new feature on the blog over the last few weeks, Captain Jacks Hot Chicks. This week we are keeping it British again with our very own Adele Silva.
Adele was born in 1980 in Croydon, and soon made it her life’s ambition to get out of that dump and make loads of cash as a serious actress and television personality. She was trained and educated at the Sylvia Young Theatre School, a well known training ground for many of today’s soap stars such as Jack Sugden, Vera Duckworth, Charlie from Casualty and Well ‘ard from Eastenders.
She graduated from the school and soon found herself in work on T.V. playing a Squeak in an episode of Doctor Who, in the old days with the wobbly sets and before it became more realistic! She also appeared in Mr Majeika, a show about a teacher who was really a wizard. This groundbreaking show was to go on and become the inspiration behind the Harry Potter books and subsequent films, which Adele has never been approached to be in despite her fine background in working with Wizards.
Despite this major role, she left to fulfil her dream of becoming a soap star. Small appearances followed in the Bill and Eastenders, but her big break came when she landed the role of Kelly Windsor in the long running soap Emmerdale, formally Emmerdale Farm, but the farm bit was dropped as the soap went for a more sexy look. Her plotlines hit the headlines with her character contantly bed hopping, including a relationship with her step brother and running off with one of her teachers. She then practically shagged every male cast member as her character was gaining the title as soaps biggest bed hopper.
Worried that she was becoming type cast, Adele left the soap in 2000 to pursue other roles. She played a bed hopping holiday rep in Is Harry On The Boat? and a bed hopping Air Stewardess in Mile High, not type casting there then. In 2005 she returned to toe show to shag the remaining and new male characters in the show, before finally leaving again in 2007, vowing to return when some new blood was introduced into the show.
Adele has tried her best not to let her real life mirror her soap life. During her break from Emmerdale, she has a boob job leading too having several modelling appearances in Men’s Mag’s such as FHM, Front and Maxim, often scantily clad and with her celebrity Page Three Bird mate Jakki Degg. She also had a string of relationships either with footballers or failed pop stars such as Antony Costa from Blue.She has not let her reputation as a celebrity shagger ruin her television career, and has appeared in several popular reality shows, such as Celebrity Fear Factor, Celebrity Five Go Dating, I’m Frightened And Famous and The Salon, and she showed off her schooling as she was voted off third in Celebrity Weakest Link and loosing on Family Fortunes.
But her biggest success came in Hell’s Kitchen, where she came second to Barry McGuigan. Before she went on the show the sexy singleton confessed that whilst she only had her first curry a year ago, and recently discovered that she couldn’t even boil an egg, her time in Hell’s Kitchen was the perfect preparation to woo the man of her dreams. When asked if it was fair that her acting roles have portrayed her in a bad light she said “I am the complete opposite,” Adele insists. “I’m very girly, very bubbly, very giggly and have always got a smile on my face.” Well ever likely with those jugs! But at least she got her money’s worth.
So another week has brought us yet another fine example of what Hot Chicks we have to offer the world from good old Blighty, but next week, to give our girls a bit of a break, we may venture over the pond, or even Down Under! Who knows, but be sure, several hours a night will be spent finding the right Hot Chicks to add to the list, it’s not just any old slapper with huge norks you know, this is a scientific process, as I’m sure Shaun will agree!. But now its on with the music, and this week is a real classic in my feature......
Captain Jacks Does it Best Live
Queen - Love Of My Life
Wembley 1986
So back on with the Karaoke for this week, and I have to admit, this weeks songs go from one extreme to another. I managed five this Thursday, so plenty to get on with. Anyway this weeks tracks were 1. Union Of The Snake by Duran Duran, 2. Pray by Take That, 3. S.O.S. by ABBA, 4. Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own by U2 and 5. Lying From You by Linkin Park.
Union Of The Snake by Duran Duran
Highest UK Chart Position: No 3 Oct 1983
This was the ninth single released by Duran Duran, and was taken from their third album ‘Seven And The Raged Tiger’. After a long sing writing session the band recorded the album at George Martins Air Studio on the Caribbean island of Monserrat.
There has been a lot of speculation about the meaning behind the song’s lyrics, and to what it actually means. Some think it’s about a cult or a military force, aiming to run peoples lives, others that it is about the darker side of human nature, and that the snake represents how evil can take over a persons frame of mind. The chorus mentions moving up to the borderline, and the borderline is said to be the border between good and evil and that evil is beginning to win the battle and take over.
Simon Le Bon, ever one to play the music press at their own game, has had several ‘wind ups’ aimed at them to never really let on what the song is about. In one interview he said the borderline was about the conscious and subconscious mind, which makes sense, but shortly after he stated it was a reference to Tantric sex! Then in an interview at the end of the 80’s he said that this is a metaphor for not allowing your sub-conscious mind to affect your imediate task, or something to that effect.
The video was shot by long time Duran Duran colaberator Russell Mullachy, who directed many of the videos from the Rio album. The video has a distinctive Road Warrior theme to it, with the band featuring in an Austrailian desert being tracked by a half man, half snake type creature. The video paved the way for the band highly elaborate videos such as ‘Wild Boys’ and the seventeen minute epic mini film for ‘New Moon On Monday’.
Take That - Pray
Highest UK Chart Position: No 1 July 1993
Well when you sing something well, no matter how cheesy it may be, then I say sing it and to hell with the non believers. Secretly we are all big Take That fans, and when the lads made a comeback with Patience, it made us all sot back and smile. Forget your Boyzone and your Westlife, these lads are the real deal, with some of the best loved pop tracks of the last 20 years in their back catalogue they have the credentials behind the boast of behind Britain’s Greatest Boyband, even if they are showing their age a bit round the edges now, they still are the best.
And what about this single, well this is the one that took them from being a normal band to a huge band. It was their first UK number one, the one that started a run of 10 number one singles and 4 number one albums. The song has all of the usual catchy Take That lyrics penned by Gary Barlow, and with his lead vocals and great harmonies, it was a great song to launch their assault on the top of the UK charts.
During their first six years together Take That obtained a place in the record books by being the first Band to have four of their singles reach the No 1 spot in succession.By the time of their split, they had notched up no less than 8 No 1 hits, ensuring their place in the music history books. November 2005 saw the return of Take That, following the huge success of their documentary "For the Record" on 16th November 2005. Two days earlier, on 14th November they announced the release of a repackaged Greatest Hits album, re-titled The Ultimate Collection, which went to No 2 and included a previously unreleased track "Today I Lost You". 2006 saw the Band return with a sell out Tour in the UK. The DVD of the Tour, The Ultimate Tour, also reached No 1 in the DVD Charts! The return was complete with the news of their first new Album in 10 years, "Beautiful World", a collaboration of all 4 band members.
S.O.S. by ABBA
Highest UK Chart Position: No 6 October 1976
SOS was the third single from Swedish pop group ABBA‘s self titled third album ABBA, released in 1975. Yes I know I’m singing ABBA, but this one is I feel is as much suited to a male vocal as it is to a disco hit from the 70’s. The song was written by Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulveaus. Despite the song’s catchiness, it was passed over as the lead single from the album. The single put the band back onto the worldwide charts, hitting number 6 in the UK, and topping the charts in New Zealand, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, Belgium and Germany, and made the top five in Italy, Austria, Holland, Norway, Switzerland and Ireland, and it also gave the band it’s first top ten hit in Canada, where it reached number 9. From the moment it was released it guaranteed the bands its place in 1970’s popular music, and no longer as Eurovision one hit wonders.
This song has long been a favourite track of many ABBA fans, with John Lennon and Pete Townsend both declared it their favourite ABBA hit.
With it being a surprise that such well respected artists found it such a good track, it should be no surprise that it has been covered by a few rock artists including German power metalers Paradox, Finnish rockers The Rasmus, Swedish rockers The Black Sweden and Taiwanese rockers At Vance.
But it’s most recent success was by Ben Mills, who sang this as part of ABBA week on last years X-Factor. It is an ABBA track, but forgetting the fact that it is a pop track, the vocal does have a good leaning to being a rock ballad, if sang in the right way. Well I love to sing it anyway, but don’t expect me to sing Waterloo and Money, Money, Money in the next few weeks.
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own by U2
Highest UK Chart Position: No 1 Feb 2005
This is the second single taken from the bands 2004 album ‘How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb’. The song was originally called ‘Tough’, and was released in February 2005 and debuted at number one, giving the band their sixth number one hit in the UK. The lyrics were written by lead singer Bono as a tribute to his father, Bob Hewson, who died in 2001. The song marked U2’s first follow up number one, after Vertigo hit the top spot in November 2004. The video begins with a note from Bono about his father, saying I Wish I’d Known Him Better.
Bono wrote this song about his father and how, even though they may not have been the closest during his childhood, he still looked up to him and wanted to help him. He talks about how his father tried to be tough after his mother had died and how he didn't really have to, that he himself could have done something to help. The pre chorus is Bono telling his father that he is there for him, to support him. The chorus goes, And it's you when I look in the mirror, meaning Bono sees aspects of his father inside himself. And it's you when I don't pick up the phone shows that Bono regrets not being closer with his father, not calling him as often as he should of. Sometimes you can't make it on your own tells his father that he can rely on other people sometimes and doesn't have to do everything himself. The second verse talks about how Bono and his father fought because they were so similar, almost like 'the same soul'. He also says that he knows that if they weren't so similar, they probably could have gotten along better.
The bridge is possibly the most interesting part of the song. I know that we don't talk. I'm so sick of it all shows that he wishes that he talked more with his father and that he's sick of NOT talking to him. Can you hear me when I sing? probably means he wonders if, in the afterlife, his father can still hear him singing. You're the reason I sing is Bono telling his father that he is the main cause of his singing, his main inspiration. You're the reason why the opera's in me is probably from when Bono revealed in the 'Go Home: Live at Slane Castle' DVD that his father sang opera. This line is him telling his father that he is the reason music is in him because of the music that he listened to while he was growing up. Where are we now? I've still got to let you know shows that Bono wishes that he could have had more time with his father, so he could tell him more or talk to him more A House doesn‘t make a home sounds like Bono is saying that home is where the heart is, or something like that, it doesn't matter where they are living. Don't leave me here alone could be a plea for his father to come back to him, to not leave him alone in this world, a desperate plea from a child. And it's you that makes it hard to let go could be Bono telling his father that it's going to be hard to get over his death, he'll find it hard to let him go on. Sometimes you can't make it, best you can do is to fake it probably tells of how his father would sometimes make it seem like he was dealing with things when inside he was crumbling . Sometimes you can't make it on your own is telling his father that he could have been there to help him. This is a purely emotional song, written from the core of Bono's being to his father who left this world. The way that Bono sings this song and the carefully written lyrics makes this one of the best and most emotional song that U2 have ever made.
Lying From You by Linkin Park
Not released in UK release as a single in US only
Lying from You is a song by rock band Linkin Park. It is the fourth regular track from their 2003 album Meteora. It was released only in the US in 2004, as an airplay-only single, and Canada as a live music video with footage. Despite being an airplay-only single, it still managed to reach Number 1 on the Modern Rock Tracks Chart, giving the band their fourth consecutive Number 1 from the Meteora album.
Other than the keyboard sample, the song features a sample of a car being burnt out, which was sometimes played live during the Meteora-era, but has been absent during their Minutes To Midnight tour. The song was one of seven Linkin Park songs used in the collaboration between the band and rapper Jay-Z on the mash-up album Collision Course which was released in November 2004.
Meteora is the second studio album by the band, first released in 2003, following the collaboration album Reanimation, which featured remixes of their debut album Hybrid Theory. Linkin Park released singles from Meteora for over a year, including Somewhere I Belong and Numb. Meteora is also Linkin Park's shortest studio album, at just over 36 minutes long.
The music in Meteora represents significant changes since the release of Hybrid Theory. It is characterized by more relevant influences from rap/rock such as the other tracks from the album, Hit the Floor, Figure.09, and of course this one Lying From You. There is also a hip hop style track with Nobody's Listening and electronica style with the brilliant Breaking the Habit. Their instrumental song Session was nominated for a Grammy for Best Rock Performance in 2003. It is the most successful album in the history of the Modern Rock Tracks chart, a chart that specializes in radio play of alternative rock songs.
In an interview Mike Shinoda said “ That song will be impossible for any cover bands to play! Chester just sings too damned hard on it. I think it's great. I think he did some great stuff on that song. We all are really proud of that song. It's another song with a great keyboard thing that we made, this kind of sample sound at the beginning. It's going to be a really fun song to play live. I could say the same thing for the song that comes after that. The song is about pushing someone away. The title means, making up lies to make another person angry so that they don't want to be around you, which is something that some people do subconsciously in relationships. That's not what my part of the song is about but I know that in a broader sense, when people start feeling negative feelings toward somebody else, just naturally they start doing things to make that person not want to be around them. It's a subliminal reaction. That works with friends. That works with relationships - either way, people do that."
So thats it folks, the music ends for another week, but now for some serious sporting headlines now with the latest in this weeks................
A quiet week on the gaming front this week. We only managed three games online, although we did go head to head for an evening of fun, in which I won 3 out of four games, and only lost as I put out a reserve side to face a top Chelsea line up! But as it was more of a training session, those games will not count as they were not played online as it were, and anyway we gave up to play Multi-player Career Mode on Guitar Hero III which, to be honest ROCKED! Our new band S.A.S (predictable I know but catchy as well) battled on through almost every section of the game, with me on Bass and Shaun on Lead, a great combo and altogether a very rewarding experience. And of course next time we can go on-line to do battle with the 16 year olds that I'm sure we will defeat into oblivion with our rocking prowess!
Er anyway back to the footie. A definate football rivals theme to this weeks scores as you will see, but with two wins and a draw to me, no change at the top on the league. Anyway the scores were as follows:
Brazil 2 - 0 Argentina
Celtic 2 -2 Rangers
West Ham 2 - 0 Chelsea
And so with those results added to our online league the table looks something like this:
So another week has come to an end. I'd like to thank Ronnie for his fantastic hard work on the Bull-Plop story, without him it would just be a story with no meaning. I'd like to thank Adele Silva for being such a good sport. I'd like to thank Shaun for his constant great remarks about the celebrity norks. I mean the Hot Chicks feature, but my man Shaun also gets a special mention, not for being so easy to beat on Fifa (I'm sure one day I'll regret saying that!) but for my new countdown clock to the new Bond Film Quantum Of Solace, due out in November. Over the year I am going to be bringing you a whole host of Bond related goodies, so watch this space for the latest news on the next Bond film.
And talking of things to look forward too, next week out Karaoke night just happens to fall on St Valentines night, so expect a loved up blog next week, and plenty of surprises for all you lovers out there! Until next time folks I bid you all farewell, and I leave you with another classis film moment.........
" I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk? "
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Happy Valentines Captain Jack x x x
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