Its here again folks, the worlds most entertaining weekly blog. You know it’s only a matter of time before the awards come rolling in. I mean most of the other Blogs on here just spout out a load of drivel about cross stitching or card making, hardly any that I have found have the quality of Hot Chicks on that this little beauty brings you on a weekly basis. In fact I’m getting so many letters to be on the Ask The Captain section that I have had to put aside my pillaging for an extra two hours a week just to get the time to read the letters! I mean how’s a chap supposed to earn an honest living with all this going on. This amount of quality items takes time to put together you know, time that could be spent watching light hearted romantic drama on the T.V. with the wife. So now you know why the Blog is so long!
No news this week to tell you really, too much stuff to Blog about to have time to bring you news! But the struggle to save Planet Rock continues. The deadline for the station had been extended to 28th April, but it seems that yet again an announcement has been put back on the Station’s future. The following statement was placed on the website at the weekend:
The deadline for the sale to be completed has been extended until May 30th while the interested parties continue their negotiations with GCap Media.
Thank you all for your continued messages of support, your passion for Planet Rock has been an inspiration.
We should have more news very soon. In the mean time we hope you’ll enjoy at least one more month of Planet Rock.
Keep rockin'

2. David Essex, who was unknown at the time, was offered this song, but he turned it down as he didn't like the title.
3. In 1968, it reached number 2 on the UK charts and number 3 in the US on the Billboard Hot 100.
Now I can see a bit of head scratching going on there, but not to worry. If you really want to miss out on loads of quality entertainment just scroll on down and miss all the good stuff to get the answer, but if you have the odd spare hour, sit back and relax and read on.

High Enough by Damn Yankees
Now I wonder how many of you will of heard of this little gem I am bringing to you for this week’s Classic Track. The song was the first single by American Super Group Damn Yankees in 1990. The band was put together in 1989 consisting of Tommy Shaw of Styx, Jack Blades of Night Ranger, Ted Nugent of Amboy Dukes and his own solo career, and Michael Cartellone.

After the release of their debut, the Damn Yankees went on a year-and-a-half world tour with the likes of a revamped Bad Company, Poison and Jackyl. Their U.S. tour coincided with the Gulf War, in which the band unfurled American flags and made patriotic statements. However, Nugent’s onstage archery stunts became a matter of controversy when he was arrested and fined after firing a burning arrow into an effigy of Saddam Hussein.

The video is intermingled with loads of shots of Jack Blades and Tommy Shaw doing the usual rock poses, swaggering around the screen looking suitable rocked up, with the big hair and huge guitar riffs, with some of the best vocals on a track.In 2007 Jack Blades reformed with Night Ranger and started a US tour, with Tommy Shaw on the line up with the reformed Styx. Later the same year Night Ranger released a new studio album, which breifly topped the US Rock chart.
Well I do try to bring you the best in Hot Chicks, but all that is to come later, as we move swiftly on with this weeks....
A newlywed couple arrives in their sumptuous honeymoon suite, and it turns out that they are both virgins. Brought up the old traditional way, neither of them really knows how to have sex. So after about half a painful hour of abortive attempts to get it on, an idea occurs to the husband.
"OK, honey," he says, "this is what we'll do. I'll go into the closet and you go into the bathroom. We'll both get undressed and turn off the lights in the bedroom. And then on the count of three we'll both rush out at each other and then it will just happen in the middle of the bedroom."
The wife is a bit unsure about this, but since she doesn't have any better ideas she agrees. So, the husband goes into the closet and the wife goes into the bathroom and they both get undressed. The anticipation is driving the husband mad and as he takes off his clothes he begins to get an enormous erection. The wife turns off the lights and on the count of three they both rush out into the bedroom towards each other.
However since the room is dark the husband gets disoriented and runs by his wife...right into the dresser. He hits his willy against the dresser so hard that he passes out from the pain. The next thing he remembers is coming to in a hospital bed, with a doctor looking down at him.
His throbbing willy is still so painful that he moans to the doctor, "Doc, doc, how bad is it
To which the doctor replied, "That's nothing son. Wait till you see your wife! We still haven't gotten her off the doorknob yet."
Yaahhhh harrrr de harrr harrr me old maties an welcome to another of me fearfull crew, Avast an blow me down. Now this week I introduce you to a fearful dark maiden of the seven seas, who sails her ship Neptune’s Raider, an goes by the name of Commander Sadie Wall, or as you may of come to of known her as Whoopie Goldberg. Shiver Me Timbers!
The old salt is well know for her mastery of disguise, and she sometimes is found dressed in the cloth of a nun to hide from the law. Thar she blows.
When the scallywag is not in hiding, she is up on the poop deck with her dead mans chest an talkin to the spirits or as she calls em Ghost’s! Splice The Mainbrace!
Right I’m off now to set sail for new shores, and if I gets chance I may well sink a bit of the finest rum you know to clear up the old scurvy. Until next time you old seadogs. Sail Ho ye poxy old Jack Tars.
I do think that these pirate animals that seem to be popping in are a lot cuter than the crew members! So now it's time to find out what the resident little scamp Ronnie Wood has been up to this week, in his latest edition of.....So what has Ronnie been up to this week. Well it’s all been a bit quiet again on the celebrity front again this week, and to be fair Ronnie only wants to paint the very best stories. So this week he decided to have a did at those pop artists who give stuff away for free as a publicity stunt because their new material is probably crap!
Yes Coldplay will give away the first single from their new album for free over the Internet the band said on its Web site. A note posted on their website says that fans can download "Violet Hill", from the album "Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends", free for one week from 11:15 a.m. on Tuesday. The album will be launched on June 12. Coldplay also announced two free shows -- one at the Brixton Academy on June 16 and another at Madison Square Garden in New York on June 23.
The giveaway is the latest attempt by musicians to win fans and media exposure through new marketing initiatives.
Last year Prince gave away his album "Planet Earth" for free with copies of a weekly newspaper, angering retailers and the record label which had a deal to distribute it.
Radiohead topped the album charts in Britain and the United States after initially offering listeners the chance to pay what they wanted to download the album "In Rainbows". As bands seek new ways to sell their music and connect with fans, particularly over the Internet, record labels are struggling to keep pace and have lost a number of top acts from their rosters a result of the industry shakeup.
Looks like Ronnie thinks that this is just a way to hide the fact that they are rubbish. More from the little scamp next week.
What ever will he come up with next! Right before we get all hot and sweaty with this weeks Hot Chick, lets have a little break and spend a few minutes playing a fun little game in this weeks edition of.........
Yet again boys here I bring you a real treat this week, with the gorgeous Holly Valance. She was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1983 to a Serbian father and a British mother, and is related to the late British comedian Benny Hill. Now as we all know, Benny Hill was famous for running around chasing scantily clad ladies and spanking them on the bottom. What do you think he would of made of Holly, I mean does this look like a bottom you would like to spank?
Holly first came into the public eye when in 1999, she played the role of Felicity ’Flick’ Scully on Australian soap Neighbours. She first appeared when she and her family moved into 26 Ramsay Street after the Martin family moved out up until 2002, when she left for America. Now I must admit that I stopped watching the show after Craig McLachlan released that awful Mona record, but if I had known there was crumpet like this on the show, I may of still watched it!
But Holly was to move onwards and upwards and after leaving Neighbours, she did what everyone else who leaves the show does, yes she released a record! Valance's first single as a recording artist was a cover of Turkish singer Tarkan's Kiss Kiss. The song debuted at Number 1 in both the Australia and the UK charts in 2002. The director's cut version of the music video was notable in that Valance appeared to be dancing naked, but in fact she was wearing flesh colored panties but no top. The footage was then digitally retouched adding strategically placed lighting effects.
Her next single, Down Boy peaked at Number 2 in the UK and at Number 3 in Australia. Her début album Footprints was released on October 14, 2002. It debuted and peaked at Number 9 in the UK and Number 15 in Australia. The album's third and final single Naughty Girl peaked at Number 3 in Australia and at Number16 in the UK. Now as you can probably guess the videos were equally raunchy, and involved her strutting around showing off her curves, just like in this picture!
A second album was to follow, but it never lived up to the success of the first. Though her official website originally reported Valance would release new material via another label, this never materialized, with Valance recently confirming she is no longer interested in recording music, mainly because most of her stuff was crap, and apart from the video in which she looked like she was naked, and lets face it that what we liked about the song, most of the time the pause button on most of our DVD’s and Videos broke after they came out, anyway back to the pictures.
The sexy star then went on to use her looks to further her career. She signed a £3 million deal with the hair products company Schwarzkopf Live to front the new line aimed at an early teen to early 20s market. Holly was seen modelling Cosmic Blue, Sahara True Blonde, Hypnotic Red. Now I’m not that up on hair colours, but I’m pretty sure that in this next picture, there is definitely a touch of Hypnotic Red about it.
Holly moved to America to pursue her acting career, and over the last few years, she has featured in several top US shows. She appeared in one of the 700 CSI shows, I think it was CSI: Ex Neighbours Stars, or something like that, anyway who cares which one it was, I mean it’s not like you have time to watch them all is it. Anyway it gave her the chance to slip back into a bikini and show her body off.
She has also appeared in US hit show Prison Break, where she played the character Niki Volek, a character who reappeared in the second series, although with it being about a men’s prison break, then unfortunately there was no chance of any girl on girl action in the showers, not that I would think any of you would be interested in Holly hosing herself down. As if I would put that kind of filth on here!
She has also been in a few movies, most prominently in the video game spin off DOA: Dead or Alive, in which she played Christie alongside another of my Hot Chicks Jaime Presley. As you can tell from the pictures shown here today, Holly deserves her spot on the Hot Chick hall of fame, and even though her norks are not as big as Kelly’s were last week, lets face it she more than makes up for it in other ways! Another fabulous Hot Chick next week.
Stunning, simply stunning as I am sure you will all agree! What can I say. is it my fault that there are so many fantastic Hot Chicks about who just happen to have their pictures all over the interweb tingy ma jig! Now lets crack on with this weeks.....
Time now to step into what can only be described as the envy part of the blog. The envy shown by celebrities who wished they had been in the most successful film series of all time and who secretly dress up as their favourite characters. This week its more of a character than a star, but equally as funny. Yes it’s the shagadellic superstar Austin Powers, who is seen here as his hero Anakin Skywalker. Do I make you horny? Do I make you randy, baby, yeah, do I? Well put your hands on my light sabre baby and lets shag! Yeah, baby, yeah!
You know I think after the Hot Chick section I can last about one feature before my throat is in need of a thirst quencher, how about a little trip to the bar then, come on lets nip down for another........
Screaming Multiple Orgasm On The Beach
1 1/2 Shots Amaretto
1/2 Shot Triple sec
1 Shot Midori melon liqueur
1 Shot Malibu rum
1 Shot Peachtree schnapps
2 Measures Club soda
Fill glass 1/2 full with ice. Add all liquers and speed shake. Top with club soda.
Oooerr Missus. From the sound of this one it sounds like I had better stick to just a couple. Right lets have a little drinky of this weeks tipple. Mmmmm very nice, not quite got to the screaming part yet, but the night is young. OK Mr bartender type bloke, come on over here and fix me another.
Schtone me thatch a right touch. Oi don’t jussh walk ovf. Ittsh been a bad wekk for mesch today. Dyou gnow I jusch found out that me bog briver ish a bender poop tuber, an only lacsht wekk I fund oot that me younger briver, well heesh alsho botting fur the over schidsde. What wash that yous sched. Yesh there ish schomeone in my family that likesh women….. Me wife!
And now its that time to put away the silliness, and to concentrate on solving another one of my readers problems. You know as I said last week, my sack has been positively bursting with letters from people after advice from my years of knowledge in all matters. You do friends, you can write and tell me about anything, I am not here to judge, just to help you in your hour of need, just as with this letter from Jacob in Hemel Hempsted. He writes:
I need help, I need help BAD!!I thought I would have some baked beans with my dinner. For a change I thought I would put some curry powder and some chilly sauce in them. They tasted really good, but now I can’t stop farting and I feel as if I am going to explode if I stop letting farts out. The problem is people in the bible class that has just finished have called in the structural surveyors to fined out where the creaking sound was coming from and the pest controllers to see if a rat has died as it smelt so bad. Should I confess and save money or keep sh-tum and save face? Help me Captain Jack, you’re my only hope!
Captain Jack Replies:
Dear God I thought you said all the crap ones had been weeded out, what? You thought I said I wanted ones about crap! For God’s sake what am I paying you idiots for. Oh well lets have a crack at sorting out old skiddy pants here. Right then fatty lets see what we can do to help you. So you thought having baked beans with curry powder and chilli sauce was a good idea then ? Are you a bit dim ? That mix is rocket fuel mate, I once fed that mix to me dog, and you should of seen the mess he left on the poop deck, I can tell you! That's right mate you stay sh-tum and save face while all those around you get their face blown away with your gas. Ha! If you think that's the worst of it, wait until you need two-sies. You best make sure you have a good supply of Andrex in mate I can tell you, it will be like passing through the eye of a needle, talk about a Ring Of Fire! I'm sorry to tell you but, from now on you are going to be farting for the rest of your life (non stop). You best get used to it, because that's all you're going to be doing now. Thanks for reading and I hope I reached out to you.
I know what you mean love, quality Hot Chicks are always a crowd pleaser. Right now its time to sit back and chill for a while now, as we move onto this weeks musical interlude. So sit back and relax as I bring you this weeks Karaoke Classics, another alternative Musical History, but first up its this weeks Live Is Best…..
Thin Lizzy ~ Black Rose
Dublin ~ 1981
Its on with this weeks Karaoke Classics then. This week saw the return of our favourite resident singer Nicki, who added to the singers this week, of which there were again very few, meaning I got another four songs in, well three and a duet with Guitar Hero God Shaunio! As for this weeks quiz, well it was yet another victory for team Captain Jack, and yes the drinks voucher star prize lasted as long this week as it did last week, around seven seconds in total.
So this weeks songs were as follows. 1. Ruby by The Kaiser Chiefs 2. Handbags & Gladrags by Stereophonics 3. As Tears Go By by The Rolling Stones and 4. In The End by Linkin Park.
Ruby by The Kaiser Chiefs
Highest UK Chart Position: No 1 March 2007
God knows why but I really wanted to sing this one tonight. I mean I do like the band and the song, and it is on Guitar Hero III, but I just don’t know where it came from to sing it this week! Ruby is a song by rock band The Kaiser Chiefs, and for those of you who don’t class them as a rock band, read their interviews in Kerrang and they are in Guitar Hero for gods sake, I mean it’s not like there is any Westlife on Guitar Hero is there!
The song was the lead track on their second album, Yours Truly, Angry Mob, following the success of their first album, Employment. It became the band's first ever number 1 single in March 2007, and ended as the year's 10th biggest selling single in the UK with total sales of 313,765.
The video for Ruby was directed by Swedish production company Stylewar, who also produced the 2005 video for I Predict A Riot, and features the band performing in a desert landscape whilst a CGI metropolis-like city builds around them.
Dismissed by Liam Gallagher as a bad Blur, the Kaiser Chiefs are more accurately a brainier Oasis, producing songs that double as terrace chants and articulate pop tunes. There's a baker's dozen of them on the follow-up to their 2.8m-selling debut Employment, nearly all jostling to be singles in fact you could easily call this album their application for recognition as one of the decade's major UK bands.
So, with the spectre of eternal irrelevance hanging over him, Ricky Wilson looks around at society, eager to dissect and encapsulate the very marrow and gristle of Great Britain today. And what does he see? All working class people get pissed every Saturday night and fight each other. All middle class people read The Daily Mail and want to lynch immigrants and paedophiles. Worse still, he tries to relate to the council estate teenagers who buy his records with tales of his own barely-legal glory days like some creepy uncle.
‘Yours Truly…’ is a much more honest and affecting affair when Ricky ventures inwards… although here, in a crippling case of archetypal Second Album Syndrome, we find a man bewildered and browbeaten by fame. Ironic, since musically Kaiser Chiefs are anything but reaching for the slippers. ‘Yours Truly…’ is a rip-roaring pop record, sprightly, lean and adventurous, a bold leap skyward from ‘Employment’.
Any song that can be heard on the terraces of a football ground must have been written by a football fan, and although Ricky is a Dirty Leeds fan, the chant of Rooney, Rooney, Rooney, Rooney is one that will be heard for a good few more years yet, keeping it fresh in all our ears for a lot longer.
Handbags & Gladrags by Stereophonics
Highest UK Chart Position: No 4 December 2001
Next up is a song that I haven’t sang for what must be nearly two years now, and to be fair I was a bit ring rusty at it. Handbags And Gladrags is a cover of a track on Rod Stewart's first solo album and is also the 4th single from the Just Enough Education To Perform album. The track originally featured on Kelly Jones' solo acoustic tour at the end of 2000 and was so well received it ended up as a single. CD1 features B-sides of First Time Ever I Saw You Face and How.It was originally intended that there was to be a DVD single of this track. This was pulled very close to release as V2 realised this would mean that there were too many formats to be eligible for a chart placing. It is therefore likely that a number of test DVDs were pressed although full production seems unlikely.
The album Just Enough Education To Perform was an instant hit, going to number one immediately. Extensive promotional work was undertaken, and the snappy Have A Nice Day single crashed into the top 10 with an instantly hummable melody.
The band planned two huge special concerts for July 2002 for Donington Park Racetrack and Chepstow Racecourse. The latter of these was moved to the Cardiff Millenium Stadium following the Foot And Mouth Disease outbreak. On the day of the gig it was raining so the roof of the stadium was closed leading to one of the largest indoor gigs ever!
Step On My Old Size Nines was the third single, but failed to make the top ten. However, a cover of Rod Stewart's Handbags And Gladrags sent the band storming back up the charts, and having completed another huge UK arena tour in December 2001, Vegas Two Times was released as a single in April 2002.
Towards the end of the year they did another sold-out tour of the UK, ending with a Christmas show at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, supported by Feeder and Ocean Colour Scene. The meeting of the three most critically reviled British bands of the period was well received by fans, who danced the night away and with one young lad stripping off his tracksuit and streaking across the stage.
As Tears Go By by The Rolling Stones
Highest UK Chart Position: No 2 February 1966
A real classic now with this little know track by The Rolling Stones. Little known because they in fact gave the song away as they were kind of embarrassed about the song, as it went against their bad boy image. It was written by Jagger and Richards and their manager at the time Andrew Oldham, but was most famously recorded by Marianne Faithfull in 1964.
The song is considered to be the first original composition by Jagger and Richards. Up until that point they had been performing covers of blues standards. The myth surrounding the song's genesis has it that Rolling Stones manager Oldham locked Jagger and Richards in a kitchen forcing them to write a song together, even suggesting what type of song he wanted, describing it “I want a song with brick walls all around it, high windows and no sex.” The result was initially named As Time Goes By the title of the song Dooley Wilson sings in the film Casablanca. It was Oldham who changed time for tears. Oldham subsequently gave the ballad, a format that the Stones were not yet known for, to Marianne Faithfull, then 17, for her to record as a B-side. The success of the recording caused the record company, Decca, to switch the song to an A-side, where it became a very popular single. It reached number 4 in the English charts and launched Faithfull's career as a major singer.
The Stones recorded their own version in 1965. It appeared as the B-side to 19th Nervous Breakdown in the U.K., and the band performed it live during their third appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, along with 19th Nervous Breakdown and Satisfaction. It was released as a single by their American record label, London Records, due to popular demand after radio DJ's across the country started playing the song from their recently released compilation album December's Children (And Everybody's). The song peaked at number 6 on the Billboard charts in America for the Stones.
It was performed live on tour for the first time in 2005 on the Stones' A Bigger Bang Tour. A performance from the 2006 leg of the tour was captured for the 2008 live release Shine A Light.
In The End by Linkin Park
Highest UK Chart Position: No 8 October 2001
Well I’m pretty sure that I have written everything possible about this song in the past few months, and as a duet, it is probably as good as you will hear anywhere on karaoke, and I’m not just saying that because its mine and Shaunio’s! So instead of rambling on about the song, the album or the fact that they are on the summer festival Captain Jack must see list at Milton Keynes later this year, I thought I would tell you a little about Chester Bennington, as it is his vocals I sing in the song.
Bennington was born in Pheonix, Arizona. He took interest in music at a young age, with Depeche Mode and Stone Temple Pilots as early inspirations. Bennington's parents separated in the late 1980s, while he was still a child. He was abused during his youth, and later struggled with cocaine and methamphetamine addictions. He eventually overcame his addiction, and would go on to denounce drug use in future interviews. He worked at a Burger King restaurant before starting his career as a professional musician.
Before joining Linkin Park, Bennington was singer in Grey Daze, a now-defunct grunge band from his home town. He left Grey Daze in 1998, but struggled to find another band to play in. After nearly quitting his musical career altogether, Jeff Blue, then the vice president of A&R at Zomba Music in LA, offered him an audition with the future members of Linkin Park. Chester quit his day job, and took his family to California, where he had a successful audition with Linkin Park, who were then called Hybrid Theory. Chester and Mike Shinoda, the band’s other vocalist, made significant progress together, but failed to find a record deal. After facing numerous rejections, Jeff Blue, now a vice president of A&R at Warner Bros, intervened again to help the band sign with the label.
Despite having prodigious success in the early 2000s, Bennington has had medical issues outside of the limelight. He suffered a severe bite from a spider while touring with the Ozz Fest in 2001, which caused his arm to swell. He was also plagued with poor health during the making of Meteora, and struggled to attend some of the album’s record sessions.
Bennington married his first wife, Samantha, in 1996. They had one child, named Draven Sebastian, who was born in 2002. His relationship with Samantha declined during his years with Linkin Park, leading to their divorce in 2005. After divorcing his first wife, Bennington married Talinda Bentley, a former Playboy model, with whom he has since had a child, Tyler Lee. He and his family live in a 6,000-square-foot house in Newport Beach Orange County when he is not on tour.
Yes its time to wrap up this weeks musical interlude with a bit of class. The Rat Pack, or as they were better known to us as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jnr were well known for being shall we say a bit crazy, in fact the Rat Pack had a reputation with the ladies and for the booze, but imagine if those clean cut 60’s legends had ended up as we see them here “The Rat Punks” I mean can you imagine it. We would of ended up with them singing all kinds of stuff, like I Only Have F##@ing Eyes for You, There Is Nothin' Like A Dame, Thank f@#k and of course the show stopper The Lady Is A F@#%ing Dirty Little Tramp!
Now all that thumping and clanging is over with lets now go and see what Hollywood Blockbuster we won't be seeing this Summer, in this week's edition of......
Another week of music and Celebrity bashing over with, lets see now whats next, music, beer, women ah yes thats right its time for a bit of footie in this weeks....
Ronnie Whelan scored some lovely goals for Liverpool in his time. Sadly, one of the best was an own goal against bitter rivals Manchester United at Old Trafford in 1990. He chipped it perfectly from 25 yards out and it dipped over the startled Bruce Grobbelaar and under the crossbar. We just can’t blame Grobb the Grabber for that one!
Well that is nearly that for another week folks, but I know if you are struggling to work out the answer, this week's Every Picture Sings A Song was of course the classic....

John Rambo: I could've killed them all. I could've killed you. In town, you're the law. Out here, it's me. Don't push it. Don't push it, I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go...

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