Now with just two weeks left before Planet Rock is about to be taken off air, here is the latest on the campaign to save the station. The good news this week was the very visible support from Gary Moore and David Gilmour who are both backing the campaign. We've also seen Fish sporting a very fetching Save Planet Rock t-shirt on stage.

Anyway lets leave all that behind us now, and move onto this week’s musical version of Catchphrase in………..

2. The better known version is taken from a hit 1985 film which starred the then “Brat Pack” of film stars, including Demi Moore, Ally Sheedy, Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe and Andrew McCarthy.
3. The songs title also refers to the spectral light sometimes seen around a ship's mast.

Classic Track #8
Enter Sandman - Metallica 1991

This was the opening track and lead single from their eponymous 1991 album Metallica. The song was produced by Bob Rock, and the music was written by Kirk Hammett, Lars Ulrich, and James Hetfield. Vocalist and guitarist Hetfield wrote the lyrics, which deal with nightmares.
The single achieved sales of more than 500,000 copies in the United States, spurring sales of over 15 million copies for the album, and propelling Metallica to worldwide popularity.
Metallica's songwriting method involved lead guitarist Kirk Hammett and bassist Jason Newstead submitting tapes of song ideas and concepts to rhythm guitarist James Hetfield and drummer Lars Ulrich, who then utilized the material in conjunction with their own ideas to write songs in Ulrich's house in California.

Enter Sandman evolved from a guitar riff that Hammett wrote. Originally, the riff was just two bars in length, but Ulrich suggested that the first bar should be played three times. The song was quickly finished, but Hetfield did not come up with vocal melodies and lyrics for a long time. The song, in fact, was among the album's last to have lyrics, and the lyrics featured in the song are not the original, as Hetfield felt that Enter Sandman sounded to "catchy and kind of commercial" and so to contradict the sound, he wrote lyrics about destroying the perfect family and that some families have huge horrible secrets to hide, such as the lyrics to this song, which refer to cot death. For the first time in Metallica's history, however, Ulrich and producer Bob Rock told Hetfield that they felt he could write better lyrics. Nevertheless, according to Ulrich, the song was the foundation and the guide to the whole record even before it had lyrics.
Initially, the song Holier Than Thou was selectedto be the opening track and first single from Metallica, according to the documentary A Year And A Half In The Year Of Metallica. Producer Bob Rock told Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield that the album had five or six songs that are going to be classics, not only with fans but also on the radio, and that the first song that should come out is Holier Than Thou.
According to Rock, Ulrich was the only band member who felt, even before recording, that Enter Sandman was the ideal song to be the first single. Ulrich has said that there was a big argument about which song should come out first and, after explaining his point of view to the rest of the band, Enter Sandman eventually became the opening track and first single of the album.
The rest is, as they say, history. The song had a huge impact on the bands popularity. It hit number 16 on the US Billboard chart, and reached number 5 on the UK chart, with the album hitting number one on both sides of the Atlantic, and all over the world.

Now if that was not loud enough for you, then you seriously need to get to the doctors as there is a serious medical problem you are suffering from called Icantheremettallicaitis or something like that anyway. Right here we go then, time to start to tickle the funny spot with my........
Paddy had been drinking at his local Dublin pub all day and most of the night celebrating St Patrick's Day. Mick, the bartender says, " You'll not be drinking anymore tonight Paddy."
Paddy replies, "OK Mick, I'll be on my way then." Paddy spins around on his stool and steps off. He falls flat on his face. "Shoite" he says and pulls himself up by the stool and dusts himself off.
He takes a step towards the door and falls flat on his face, "Shoite, Shoite!" He looks to the doorway and thinks to himself that if he can just get to the door and some fresh air he'll be fine. He belly crawls to the door and shimmies up to the door frame. He sticks his head outside and takes a deep breath of fresh air, feels much better and takes a step onto the pavement and falls flat on his face.
"Bi'Jesus... I'm fockin' focked," he says. He can see his house just a few doors down, and crawls to the door, hauls himself up the door frame, opens the door and shimmies inside. He takes a look up the stairs and says "No fockin' way". He crawls up the stairs to his bedroom door and says "I can make it to the bed."
He takes a step into the room and falls flat on his face. He says "Fock it" and falls into bed. The next morning, his wife, Jess, comes into the room carrying a cup of coffee and says, "Get up Paddy. Did you have a bit to drink last night?"
Paddy says, "I did Jess. I was fockin' pissed. But how'd you know?"
Jess replied "Mick phoned, . . . You left your wheelchair at the pub."

Avast ye landlubbers. An welcome to another meeting with not one, but four members of my fearfull crew, ye bilge sucking barnacles. These four fearful buccaneers roam the seas in their vessel Satan’s Barnacle, and are known as Captain Blood And Guts, or as you know him, Mick Jagger, Cannibal Drake Ironman, or Keith Richards, Cedar Teeth, or Ronnie Wood and good old Morgan Drake, or as ye all know him Charlie Watts. Shiver Me Timbers!
Ye must batten down the hatches when these rapscallions are in port. True Brethren of the Coast are these four, with many a doubloon thrown in their general direction me hearties to add to their booty.
The Captn’ is oft seen singing a shanty in his crows nest, and ol leather faced Cannibal Drake, is oft heard plucking his cutlass in a very strange manner in one hand, with a constant flow of rum in the other, the scurvy old dog.
Blow me down these four are true old salts, and have pillaged and weighed anchor all over the seven seas. Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhh me old Jolly Rodgers more of the fearfull crew next week, Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle Of Rum etc, etc, etc.

Now Ronnie has been out and about this week, and instead of an actual story, its more of a premonition this week. Rapper Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter’s headline slot at the Glastonbury Festival has apparently caused a downturn in ticket registrations for this years summer event, according to celebrity farmer Michael Eavis.
Eavis has admitted that demand has waned for this years event, based on the number of early ticket applications, but fully accepts this as his choice to name a middle of the range act to headline the main pyramid stage, as opposed to previous crowd pleasers, such as Coldplay, Oasis or Radiohead.
Eavis says “There is not as many as last year as we do not have one of the super big, big, big sort of headlining acts anymore. We’ve gone for something middle range, although Jay-Z is huge in America. But its not like Radiohead or Muse is it, so we didn’t expect the demand to be as high.”
As you can see, Ronnie has depicted Mr Eavis worst nightmare, with only a handful of stick men sticking around to see the rapper, maybe next year he should ask the Stones to headline!
More from Ronnie next week with another celebrity painting for you to enjoy. Anyway before we get on with this weeks Hot Chick, here is a little game to calm your weary heads.
Now after that little break, are your eyes ready to pop out of your head? Is you libido in need of a boost? Is there anyone out there that you think may be able to help? Well if you can't find your own, let me assist you a little with this weeks.....
Now fella’s I know she is a little older now at 40,not that that is old at all, but in her hay day she was very, very hot indeed, and of course was better known for her role as leather clad hottie Xena The Warrior Princess.OoooooHhhhhhhh YyyyyyEeeeeeSsssss!!!!!!
Lucy was the fifth of seven children, and was born in New Zealand. She has five brothers and one sister, and began acting at secondary school. After studying foreign languages at Auckland University, she dropped out to travel abroad with then boyfriend Garth Lawless.
At 19 she became pregnant with Garths child, and in 1988 they married in Australia. Their daughter, Daisy was born in 1988 in New Zealand. But Lucy’s big break was about to come.
She had starred in small time New Zealand show, Shark In The Pool, but her break came when she played a man-hating Amazon named Lysia in the pilot for Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, entitled Hercules and the Amazon Women. Due to her huge norks, and obvious acting ability, well she could squeal and throw a sword around, she was asked to play Xena.
She was so popular in the show, that a spin off series was began, and it went on to run for several seasons alongside the Hercules show, with both shows, intermingling throughout their runs.
The show began to grow popular in the gay community, and has a cult Lesbian following, due to Xena’s relationship with travelling companion Gabrielle. And here she can bee seen naked in the bath with Gabrielle.
As you all know, trusty sidekicks in these types of shows are usually the ones who end up causing the hero's to get into all sorts of situations, you know such as fighting hoards of men with only a sword and a leather bikini on, or maybe fighting a huge beast drooling and such like, or maybe by getting yourself kidnapped so you have to be rescued by the said hero, or maybe you just fell into the water so you would have to be dragged out and given the kiss of life by your hot wet half naked leather clad mate! Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!
As for the rest of her career, well apart from vehemently denying her sexuality, Lucy decided to allow some pictures of her with her baby to be released for an advertising campaign promoting breast feeding. Yes I have the advert!
And since Xena. Well Lucy has guest starred on several other shows, such as The X-Files, The Simpsons, Two And A Half Men and Battlestar Galactica. She has also appeared in the movies Euro Trip and Spiderman, and the 2005 horror flick Boogeyman.
She has now decided to take on a singing career, following a successful appearance on Celebrity Duets in the States, a show where famous stars sing duets with well famous singers, obviously. Since the show, she has recorded several albums, and had two sell out tours, which have recieved some great reviews, well they said she was OK, well maybe alright, fine I haven't got a clue what she sounds like, but who cares with pictures like this.
Now she may not be young anymore, but Captain Jack will not let age get in the way of a hot chick, and many of you fella’s out there will have been glued to the screen when Xena was about, lets face it, a leather clad warrior babe who has lesbian tendencies, every mans dream!!!!!!
Ah the life of Captain Jack has become much more idyllic since this new blog has taken shape, I mean where else can you get good quality entertainment like this from on a weekly basis, my goodness its got everything you could want. Music, Films, Celebrities making arses of themselves, err Pirates, Drinking, Music oh I've said that one, err Football, and of course the Hottest Chicks around. Save's going out on a Friday! Anyway your friendly neighbourhood Captain knows how much you like your special reports on all the latest big things coming your way, and here we have a real big one for you. Its a very special report on what is sure to be one of the biggest films of the year.
Yes folks. Its true. One of the greatest film series is due to continue this year, and with the release date set for 22nd May its only just around the corner. It is of course the new Indiana Jones film called Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. Set in 1957, this fourth film in the series pits an older and wiser Indy, played once again by Harrison Ford, against agents of the Soviet Union, led by Spalko, played by Cate Blanchett, to search for the crystal skull. Indy is assisted by his former lover Marion Ravenwood, played by the returning Karen Allen, as well as the sidekick, Mutt played by Shia LeBouf, and fellow archaeologist Mac, played by Ray Winston. John Hurt and Jim Broadbent also play fellow academics.
The film was in development hell since the 1989 release of The Last Crusade, because Spielberg and Ford initially disagreed over Lucas's choice of the skull as the plot device. Screenwriters Jeb Stuart, Jeffery Baum, M.Night Shyamaln, Frank Darabont and Jeff Nathanson wrote drafts, before David Koeff's script satisfied Speilberg, Lucas and Ford. Shooting finally commenced in June 2007, and took place in the USA so Speilberg didn’t have to spend time away from his family.
In order to keep aesthetic continuity with the previous films, there will be minimal use of computer generated imagery and more of a reliance on traditional stuntwork from the previous films.
Producer Frank Marshall has confirmed that the film is set in 1957, making it nineteen years since his last outing, thus acknowledging the real-life passing of years between films. Indiana Jones is having a quiet life teaching before being thrust back into his old adventuring.
If you love him or not, this is sure to be one of the biggest films of the year, and the marketing alone is sure to put Indy back into the limelight again. Anyway, for those who want a quick Indy fix, here is the trailer for the film.
Yes its that time again. More stars than ever before all wanted to be it the Star Wars films, and this week, a sporting star has come up with a novel idea for that useless little droid R2 D2, I mean what other use could the dustbin like hunk of metal have a better use for. Here in his full glory is former Boxing Heavyweight Champion Of The World - George Foreman.
How do you like your burger Chewie, you big hairy monster.
Hmmm tasty. Now I'm feeling a little tirsty after all those burgers, Anyone fancy a little drinky. Good because now it's time for.....
So what have I got for you this week. Well sticking with the Star Wars theme, here’s a cheeky little number known by a name I’m sure you will recognise.
Darth Vader
1 measure of Vodka
1 measure of Gin
1 measure of White Rum
1 measure of Tequila
1 measure of Triple Sec
2 measures of Sour Mix
Fill with Jagermeister
In a cocktail mixer put together the Vodka, Gin, White Rum, Tequila, Triple Sec and the sour mix. Add in a generous helping of ice, the give the mix a shake until mixed fully. In a tall glass filled with ice, pour the mix in, and top the whole lot up with a generous helping of Jagermeister.
Bloody Hell, that sound like rocket fuel. Ah well its all for the good of you out there. Cheers folks. Blimey that does just hit the spot. Lets have another one to make sure that first was not just a fluke.
What do yoush mean Imb dunk, Madam I mey well be drunk but in the mornings I wils be shober, you madam will still be ugly!.
Ossifer I schwear to drunk I’m not god. I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.
How dishd you get in here neway, did shomone leave your cage open. Oi thresh no need for that schtick, I’ll quite comely. Ow get off! Schtop it Burpppppppp Hic Aaaarrrggghhh Hic
Right enough with frivolity and drunkeness for another week. Its time for a bit of music. Next up is one of those lovely live is best tracks, showing off the best live acts in the world doing what they do best. Then we will bring you another batch of Karaoke Classics, and then its the Alternative Music History class for you students of the industry.
U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
Milan - 2005

So here we finally get to this weeks Karaoke Classic section. Just the three for you this week, as the pub was rather full of singers instead of us entertaining everyone else, not that we mind at all, give me more time to tell you about other stuff instead! So this weeks classics are as follows. 1. Ma Ma Ma Belle by ELO 2. Sin Sin Sin by Robbie Williams and last but not least 3. Pink by Aerosmith.
Ma Ma Ma Belle by ELO
Highest UK Chart Position: No 22 April 1974
A brand new track on Karaoke by one of the most underated bands ever, but everyone seems to love at least one ELO track. It was taken from the bands 1973 album On The Third Day. In the UK, the single version had a different mix from the album original and was edited in length. Marc Bolan plays twin lead guitar on the track alongside his friend Jeff Lynne. Ma Ma Ma Belle also featured on the ELO Ep in 1978. In the UK the B-side Oh No Not Susan found its way on to various DJs play lists at the BBC, unaware that the songs lyrics contained swearing. In the US, the B-Side Daybreaker received more airplay than the A-side thus, Daybreaker charted instead, despite being an intrumental.
On The Third Day was released in 1973 and failed to enter the UK charts at the time, although it did reach the US charts. Side two of the album was recorded during or shortly after the sessions for ELO's second album ELO 2, but unlike its predecessor it contains shorter tracks. By contrast, the four songs on side one of the album were linked into a continuous suite.
Violinist Mik Kaminski made his debut on side one of this album replacing Wilf Gibson, although Gibson plays on side two, plus the bonus tracks. Also, cellist Colin Walker left the line up around the same time, leaving Mike Edwards as lone cellist.
Of all other ELO albums, except for ELO 2, this might be considered closest in style to prog rock, with some elaborate band arrangements and complicated musical segments between tracks. The synthesizer can be heard prominently on several tracks, particularly as lead instrument on Daybreaker.
It was to be the last ELO album where Jeff Lynne attempted to re-create an orchestral sound in the studio by multi-tracking the cellos and solo violin of the band members. For the next album, a real orchestra was hired.
Marc Bolan played guitar on both Ma Ma Ma Belle and Dreaming of 4000, but was originally uncredited, as well as on Everyone's Born To Die, which was not released at the time but appears as a bonus track on the 2006 remaster, with Bolan credited for his part on the tracks.
Sin Sin Sin by Robbie Williams
Highest UK Chart Position: No 22 June 2006
I keep getting asked to sing the old Robster’s songs, and they always seem to go down well. This was the fourth and final track to be released from Robbie’s Intensive Care Album, and has the honour of being the first Robbie track not to reach the top twenty in the UK. After touring Latin America in late 2004 for the promotion of his Greatest Hits album, Williams started working on what would become his sixth studio album. Recorded in Robbie Williams' bedroom high in the Hollywood Hills, the album was co-written by Stephen ’Tin-Tin’ Duffy over the course of 24 months. The album was launched in Berlin, Germany in October. It was not shown on television, but broadcast to various locations around the world in cinemas and theatres, in a high-definition "cine-cast". It was shown on Saturday 22nd October 2005 on Channel 4. During the album launch, Williams said he would like to be the new King of Pop.
When Intensive Care was released in late October 2005, it became smash hit around the world, hitting number-one in the United Kingdom, selling 373,000 copies in its first week as well as topping the charts in 20 counties including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, New Zealand and many other countries, debuting at number-one in the United World Chart selling over 900,000 copies worldwide with over 3 million copies shipped. The album became Williams' biggest international success in his career, selling over 2 million copies in only six weeks.
That November, Williams took home the MTV Europe Award for 'Best Male', but also, entered in the Guinness Book Of Records when he announced his World Tour for 2006, selling 1.6 million tickets in one single day. The album became the best selling album in Europe by the end of 2005 with sales over the 4 million copies. However, it only managed to be the third best selling album in the United Kingdom that year.
Williams kicked off his Close Encounters World Tour (See Last Weeks Bull Plop) in South Africa in April 2006, when he finished he'd European leg of the tour, 2.5 million had seen the show, and after Latin America and Australia the numbers when up to 3 million.
By the end of the promotion of the album, it was announced that it sold over 5 million copies in Europe alone being certified 5x Platinum by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry ,it also certified 5 times Platinum in the United Kingdom becoming, at the time, his lowest selling studio album in the country. Worldwide the album went on to sell way over 8 million copies becoming Williams' best selling studio album around the world.
Sin Sin Sin was the first track written in collaboration with Duffy, and the third to be released off the album, after Tripping and Advertising Space. The video is another part of Robbie's tongue in cheek humour, making fun of himself and his affairs, featuring him as the guru of some sort of cult of pregnant women. He also has a kind of God look, him being the prophet. It was filmed near Cape Town, South Africa.
Pink by Aerosmith
Highest UK Chart Position: No 13 June 1999
Pink is by American greatest rock band Aerosmith. It was written by lead singer Steven Tyler and professional songwriters Richie Supa and Glen Ballard. It was released as the third major single from the bands 1997 album Nine Lives. The band re-released the song in the UK in 1999. The re-released version did much better, reaching number 13.
The song is highlighted by a harmonica performance by Steven Tyler at the beginning, as well as a strong bass rhythm throughout the song, and a mix of acoustic guitars and jangling electric guitars throughout the verses. Many of the lines in the verses start with the word Pink, such as, Pink is my favourite crayon, Pink is the love you discover, Pink it's the colour of passion, etc. However, there really is no set chorus, aside from the phrase and I think everything is going to be alright no matter what we do tonight.
In typical Steven Tyler style, the song has many sexual connotations, and the title itself is apparently a metaphor for the female genitalia, of which Pink is a slang term for, apparently!
For the time, the music video for the song was very high tech, using digital technology to morph characters together. A variety of random characters mixed in with band members walk down a corridor towards the viewer, morphing into different characters in the process, with Joe Perry and a horse, a midget Brad Whitford, and Steven Tyler as a baby to name but a few.
The song has gained notoriety as a fan favourite and a live gem, and remains one of the only songs from Nine Lives consistently played on Aerosmith tours to this day, along with Falling In Love (Is Hard On The Knees).
Nine Lives was the bands twelfth studio album and released in early 1997. The album was produced by Aerosmith and Kevin Shirley, and was the band's first studio album released by Colombia Records since 1982's Rock And A Hard Place. The booklet for Nine Lives contains 12 pieces of album art, including the cover. Each picture contains a smaller version of the previous picture within itself. The last picture is included in the first, creating an infinite loop. It was designed by Stepan Sagmeister, who allegedly has never received his fee for this work due to the controversy behind the cover. The original album art aroused the anger of some Hindus, who felt the artwork, taken from Hindu imagery and altered by giving the dancing figure a cat's head, was offensive. The image depicts Lord Krishna with a cat's head dancing on the head of the snake demon Agashura. The band had been unaware of the source of the artwork, and the record company apologized, and changed the artwork. Strangely enough, some copies with original covers have found their way to music store shelves in India, where Hinduism is the majority religion, and have not raised any further controversy.

The music world was saddened at the death of world famous opera singer Luciano Pavarotti last year. Who will ever forget him as one of the famous three tenors, and their performance at the 1990 World Cup in Italy, where they performed Nessun Dorma. But what if Luciano had followed another path. Opera may be OK for some, but I’m sure that his career would have been even bigger if he had been a member is hard rock band Kiss.
Not quite as scary as last week, but imagine how loud Kiss would of been with those set of lungs to belt out Rock And Roll All Nite! Anyway enough with the music this week, lets go to the cinema and see what I have to offer for you this week in.......
Now I know at least one of my regulars who would love to see that be made, but I'm telling you now, I still wouldn't go to see it, no matter how many light sabres are in it! And now we move swiftly onto this weeks...
During his day’s as manager of West Brom, Ron Atkinson was close friends with the then Birmingham City boss Jim Smith. One night they went to see Billy Connolly in concert, at the Birmingham Hippodrome. After the show they both went to the Big Yin in his dressing room. Smith asked Billy if he found it easy to communicate with the Midlands audience.
“Och aye” said Billy “I love playing Birmingham”
“Don’t we all son” said Atko “Don’t we all!”
Well thats almost it from me folks this week. Hope you have enjoyed all this weeks entertainment as much as I have enjoyed bringing it to you. All that remains is to leave you with this week answer to Every Picture which I'm sure you all guessed to be.
See easy again. Well thats it folks. Thats to all the little helpers out their, who have spent time putting together all this stuff I bring to you every week. You know if it wasn't for the seedy photographers, those Hot Chick pictures would be a lot less hot, and if all those Classic Tracks had not been recorded it may of ended up being Boyzone or Westlife every week. So on that frightening prospect, I promise that in no way will this blog ever fall to such a low point! Until next week folks Bonjour!
You want answers?! You want the truth! You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You?! You, Lieutenant Weinberg?! I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall! You need me on that wall! We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline! I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said, "Thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!
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