Is it that time again already. It surely is and not to fear, Captain Jack is here to soothe you through the Easter Holiday with another fun filled edition of the greatest blog on the t’internet. Now I’m sure you will all be expecting an Easter special this week, with eggs and all the such like, but not on your life would I stoop to such low brow, tacky commercialism. So instead, here is a couple of Easter Bunnies to help you get into the spirit of the holidays!
Ooooohhhh Yes, and what a lovely pair! Of eggs they are holding, I think they are eggs anyway. Still lets not spend too much time talking about eggs! So this week is as I said, going to be as fun filled as every other week, I hope!. You can be sure of another Hot Chick. A great classic track again, another batch of Karaoke Classics to enjoy. Ronnie Wood and his Bull Plop. A witty little joke. Another drink at my Cocktail Lounge. Celebrity Star Wars and all the rest of the usual gubbins, plus this week’s special report is on a subject that I feel has been overlooked in the last few years, Body Painting! Yes I has delved through the web to bring you a report on the phenomena that is spreading joy to many, many artists around the word, and the pictures aren’t bad either!
You know I'm sure I can't remember giving an interview to a movie mag, still they are advertising my Hot Chicks so that can't be a bad thing. Moving on, my regulars will know that I have been keeping you all up to date with the plight of Planet Rock, and I do hope you have all signed the petition, or at least clicked to the Save Planet Rock link to help the station out. Well this week should have been the end of the road, but things have happened which may help the station, at least for a while. As the 28th March draws nearer, a stay of execution has been given to the station, mainly due to the response from the campaign. It has been announced that Planet Rock will continue for a further month to allow time for discussions to take place with a potential buyer. This is just the news we all wanted to hear, as it allows more time for further campaigning to support the station. The campaign still needs to be focused on the station, and no deal has been done yet, but the signs are that someone has come forward and is interested in keeping Planet Rock on air. Please continue to register your support, and thanks to those that already have. So let's show any potential new owner that the listeners want Planet Rock to survive..

1. The song reached Number One in both the Uk and US in 1966.
2. The song has been used to personify the Vietnam war, and has been used in both Film (Full Metal Jacket) and T.V. (Tour Of Duty)
3. Its on Guitar Hero III and if anyone gets 100% on expert before me then I won’t be a happy bunny!!!

Marillion - Sugar Mice 1987
Ah Marillion. These were the days when a rock band could be liked by all, with melodic love songs and kicking rock tracks as well, and at the time, led by the charismatic lead singer Fish, who you may think was stupid to call himself that, but when you consider his real name is Derek Dick (I kid you not) then its no surprise he went with Fish is it. Marillion were formed in 1979, and originally were named Silmarillion, after the novel by J.R.R.Tolkien, but dropped the Sil from the name to avoid any copyright infringements. The band actually decided to drop a letter every time someone left the band, for the record they are actually know known as lion! Work it out for yourselves.

Sugar Mice was the second single to be taken from the bands Clutching At Straws album, and was the follow up to Misplaced Childhood, the album which brought the band into the mainstream with such records as Kayleigh and Lavender.
Sugar Mice was written by Fish, and was born in hotel bar in Milwaukee after a bad phone call to a very upset girlfriend, women have they been the inspiration behind all the great songs! The song show in a way the difficulty that many artists feel when they are in a relationship, and how it is hard to have one if you are an different sides of the world. An argument in these situations take on a whole different meaning, as oppose to being face to face, and when your on tour, and alone, it can drive you insane with wanting to be back with the family, but when you talk to them and they say something to provoke an argument, then its them who get the anger you are feeling.
Fish uses the term in the song Your Daddy took a rain check, implying that the father the song is written about has no intention of fulfilling his duties as a Father, similar to events that were taking place in his life at the time. Clutching At Straws is easily the bands best album, and as with the style of the band, it was a concept album, so you really have to listen to it from start to finish to understand the concept.
Although they are widely regarded as a Prog Rock band, this album is not what you would call prog rock in the traditional sense. Marillion liked to create a feel of mood and emotion with their songs, and by the time that Clutching At Straws was released, they had developed the identity to pull this off. The album is engaging, depressing and moody from the start, following the bands stylistic crystalisattion that had occurred during the recording of the Misplaced Childhood album.
The album was recorded at the Brey studios, which is also the home of Gerry Anderson, the creator of Thunderbirds and at the time Terra Hawks. This led to Anderson, with his connections with the film world, to get the band a lucrative deal to record the soundtrack to an upcoming movie set around the story of an immortal Scottish clansman. The band, and Fish especially, were excited about the project, and jumped at the chance, but their manager at the time said they had a deadline to release the Clutching At Straws album that had to be met, and they had no time for side projects. The film was of course Highlander, and the soundtrack was eventually recorded by Queen.
After recording the album, which then went on to receive huge critical acclaim, and a successful world tour, they began to start work on their next album, but under the constraints the record company had put them under, Fish decided he could not hack the lifestyle, and after a series of long and unexplained disappearances, he decided to leave to band to pursue a solo career.
The band continued without Fish, with new lead singer Steve Hogarth, and are still touring today, with a new album due out this year. And Fish is still around to, as you will of seen last week in the Save Planet Rock section, he was photographed at on of his gigs with a T-Shirt promoting the campaign, and both have shown support on their individual websites.
I do love all this advertising, and this latest one is my little tribute to a very famous poster created for my favourite band The Rolling Stones, bit crude, but hey who cares its just a bit of fun! Right moving swiftly on here is this weeks.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night, and went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend.
"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars."
"What does that tell you?" Holmes asked.
Watson pondered for a minute. "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, I can see that God is all-powerful and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?"
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke. "Watson, you idiot. Somebody has stolen our tent!"
Ahoy thar me old mateys an welcome to another chance to meet one of me fearful crew. Aaaaarrrgggghhh Jim Lad. She be a frightening sight this one, the shapeshifter is known by her fearful wails, and she sails the sargossa on her vessel The Screaming Hangman. She goes by the name of Busty Charity Giggs, or as you all know her Amy Winehouse. Shiver Me Timbers!
This scurvy dog is oft three sheets to the wind, and is also known to partake in the odd wailing of sea shanties around the docks! Yo Ho Ho! The wench has a slightly green complection due to her poop deck not being as clean as it once was, and often being covered in grog. Avast! Shes a true Brethren of the Coast, begad can she wail, it’ll send shivers down ya spine it will. Aaaa Haaarrrr you landlubbers.
Well I have to get out to the briney again now me old bucko’s so until next time, keep it all ship shape till I next be in port.
Now this has been a bit of a slow week on the old celebrity front, but as ever Ronnie Wood has provided another bit of art to show that no one is safe from the cheeky little chappie! So with that, you know it's coming, it's time for......So where has Ronnie set up his easel this week then. Well this time its good old Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsey who gets the Ronnie treatment. Mild Mannered Ramsey learnt his trade in the restaurants of the city of love Paris. He has now returned to see if he can cut it as the main man in his own Paris bistro.
This week will see the opening of the celebrity chefs first little French restaurant, and has long been the dream of the Kitchen Nightmares star. The 75 seater is the latest in a long line of Gordon Ramsey eateries around the world, who has restaurants in London, Dublin, Prague, New York and Tokyo. But the chef still has one ambition left, to gain three coveted Michelin stars on three continents!
Ramsey said “This is where any chef wants to make it, This is the one I will be judged on”
As you can see Ronnie has caught Gordon in all his glory stood at his new bistro called Gordon Ramseys “Café Le Froggie” I’m sure that with his mild mannered approach, and well known inability the go off on one at any given opportunity, will hold him in good stead to go onto great success in the French capital! More from Ronnie next week.

I'm sure he did, and after this next bit you will probably think he did, because now its that time again lads, the time when you tell the wife your just off upstairs to, nudge, nudge, have a read on a very interesting site about Karaoke, not love there are no pictures of half naked, semi clad young nubile ladies on it, who am I kidding. Strap yourself in lads, because things are about to get a whole lot hotter around here, as its time for this weeks.
Now lets get one thing straight here. This section is not just an excuse to perve over pictures of semi clad young ladies, who just happen to fall into the category of being, well Hot. No it’s a section to bring to light the injustice these ladies must endure to bring delight to the watching public. I mean the hours I spend trawling through picture upon picture of semi clad young ladies is no fun I can tell you! Still it’s a task I don’t mind when you come across a hot bit of totty like Jaime Presley!
Jaime was born in 1977 in North Carolina. She is a model and an Emmy award winning actress for her role in My Name Is Earl. Apparently she is a little bit flirty and sexy in the role, although until I download the series and watch it you’ll have to take my word for that, having said that her pictures more than make up for her acting ability!
Presley spent 11 years studying gymnastics and dancing, and this is where she developed her skills at spreading her legs. She was cast as a gymnast on the short-lived TV series Push, but it was garbage and was subsequently cancelled. By the time she was fourteen, she was already the spokeswoman for her modelling agency, The International Cover Model, and she had begun to gain recognition for her modelling in the USA, as well as in Italy and Japan.

In 1997, Jaime gained her first film role, where she played Violet in Poison Ivy 2:The New Seduction. The film generally involved her getting to seduce several co stars into sexual liaisons. Unfortunately the film was crap, as she only appeared naked for a few seconds at a time, making the whole thing, well pretty lame!

But in playing the role of the bitchy cheerleader, Jaime was then shot to fame in one of the music videos to come from the films soundtrack. Marilyn Manson covered Soft Cells classic Tainted Love, and Jaime starred in the video alongside the rocker. This was followed up with an appearance in Aerosmith’s video for Girls Of Summer. She wasn’t dressed as a cheerleader in this one, although she does get to run around in a skimpy bikini, get sexy with her mates at a foam party, strut around in some very skimpy dresses oh and shower herself of with her friends at the beach, you know the usual stuff!

I told you this week was a hot one, speaking of Hot, I was leafing through my collection of magazines the other day, when I happened upom this old mag, which I just cant remember having anything to do wiht, but my name is splashed all over it so I must of been in there. Take a closer look and see what you think.........

Great, 100 caps and that gobby tart is still telling him he would make an actor, I mean he sometimes struggles putting sentences together Still the fact remains he is still the best player this country has produced for years, even if he was stupid enough to of married a Spice Girl and then bedded that god awful looking Rebecca Loos! That boot Fergie kicked at his head must of done a lot more damage than first thought! Right before I give you a very special report on the world of Body Painting, lets take a little trip to the bar........

You know I think sometimes these drinks go straight to my head. I must try to take it a bit easier with the old alchohol, its not good for the old brain cells you know all this drinking! So what have we lined up as our little tipple this week. Lets have a look then.
Blue Hawaiian Cocktail
1 shot light rum
2 shots pineapple juice
1 shot Blue Curacao
1 shot Crème De Coconut
1 slice of Pineapple
Blend the rum, Blue Curacao, pineapple juice and crème de coconut together and mix in an cocktail blender with a cup full of ice at high speed. Pour the contents into a highball glass. Decorate with the slice of Pineapple and serve.
Right lets get the old lips around this one then. Oooohhh that’s a blinder, bit less of the fruit and a bit more of the rum in the next one I think. Thatsh more like it matey.
Right lets get the old lips around this one then. Oooohhh that’s a blinder, bit less of the fruit and a bit more of the rum in the next one I think. Thatsh more like it matey. Ang on a minutes I appears to be repeating meself!
Ang on a minutes I appears to be repeating meself!
Eck in ell ther it goesh again! Thatch a schtrong un that one ish matey. Letsh ave a gud old fashioned shing shong then.
Ard de boum de be de bo do be do. Schow me the waych to go ome la dei da. Sa la de de da la doodo do.
Sccthop it, pUts me down you ragamiffin rogamusson riggesomthin you scabrallion. I can make me own waysch out of this estiblimont. Hic. I’m an honreable ghentilmon you knosw. Ow whys is this swchinign door sctuc. Get me out get me out elp hic burp thud!!!

So now its another first on Captain Jacks. As you know I always like to bring the weird and wonderful to you in my own inimitable way, and most of the feedback I get back is good, so this week I feel my special report will bring joy to many as I bring you a very interesting report on my new favourite artistic format, Body Painting.
Now I know what your thinking, this is just another excuse to put a load of pictures of young nubile and naked women onto the blog, and you may be right, but this is a very interesting subject. Body Painting has become an art form in its own right, and I for one believe it should be brought to a wider audience. So lets start off with what can only be described as a very artistic bit of body painting, just to show its not all filth!

Body painting is considered by some as the most ancient form of art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, painted onto the human skin, and lasts for only several hours, or at most (in the case of Mehndi or henna tattoo, a couple of weeks.

Body painting with clay and other natural pigments existed in most, if not all, tribalist cultures, often worn during ceremonies. It still survives in this ancient form among the indigenous people of Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and parts of Africa, and as you can see many people use it to show their support in sporting events.

Body art today evolves to the works more directed towards personal mythologies, as Jana Sterback, Rebecca Horn, Youri Messin or Javier Perez. Body painting is not always full nude bodies. Body painting includes smaller designs on one area on the body, as seen her to show support for you favourite cycling team maybe! This as you can see gives wearing the yellow jersey a whole new meaning!

A slightly alternative art movement was started in the 1950s or 1960s. It involves covering a model in paint and then having the model touch or roll on a canvas or other medium to transfer the paint there. Perhaps French artist Yves Klein being the most famous for this with his series of paintings 'Anthropometries'. The effect produced by this technique creates an image-transfer from the model's body to the medium. This includes all the curves of the model's body (typically female) being reflected in the outline of the image. This technique was not necessarily monotone; multiple colors on different body parts sometimes produced interesting effects. Joanne Gair is a leading body paint artist whose work appeared for the tenth consecutive year in the 2008 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. She burst into prominence with a August 1992 Vanity Fair cover of Demi Moore.

Many artists work professionally as body painters across the world. Their work is seen regularly in television commercials, such as the Natrel Plus campaign featuring models camouflaged as trees. Body painters also work frequently in the film arena especially in science fiction with more and more elaborate alien creations being body painted. Stills advertising also used body painting with hundreds of body painting looks on the pages of the world's glossy magazines every year. It can also be used in tributes to famous pop videos of the past. Here is the tribute to the Robert Palmer Addicted To Love video.

As for Mendhi, natural brown henna dyes are safe to use however, synthetic black dyes can cause serious skin allergies, and require patch tests before the actual paintings commence. Jagua is a dark indigo plant based dye that is safe to use on the skin and is approved for cosmetic use in the EU. Enough of the technical side anyway. Now a few weeks ago I brought to your attention a Hot Chick named Marissa Miller, who has in the past appeared in the Joanne Gair body painting sections for Sports Illustrated, but to my surprise I also found out that she is a huge Rolling Stones fan as well, so just for you I have included her little tribute to the band.
Now I’m sure you will all be changed on the whole body painting thing now, its not just an excuse to see naked women with paint all over their body, its an art form in its own right, with many, many beautiful aspects that should be taken into consideration. And if the response is right, I would love to make a new Captain Jack feature called Body Painting Pic Of The Week, or something equally you know witty. But of course there is always an exception to the rule, someone who takes it to far, someone who takes an art form and turns all the good work done by the real artists into something quite disgusting and scary. Want to know what I mean. Well judge for yourselves.
So I think you will agree that its got its good and bad points! So lets move on to this weeks musical section. As usual the araoke Classics will be here soon, but first here is another fine.....
Rush - Spirit Of Radio
Palm Beach Miami - 2006So we move onto this weeks Karaoke Classics, and four more tunes this week to add to the every growing list. As this Thursday was before a holiday, the pub was decidedly busier than usual. That said I did manage to get four songs in. The night was full of fun, although fellow Karaoke Addict Shaun was suffering from the dreaded lurgi, thus rendering him unable to sing with his usual falsetto voice! And of course the non having to get up for work the next day, led to an extended night of the supping of alcohol, and a trip down to continue the night. Smashing!
So this weeks songs were 1. All My Loving by The Beatles 2. Hot Legs by Rod Stewart 3. Kyrie by Mr Mister and 4. Sexed Up by Robbie Williams. Right here we go then.
All My Loving by The Beatles
No UK Release
I don’t bloody believe it. The most successful British Pop act for years, and we go and pick one of the few of their classic that never was released as a single! Now how’s that for a pop quiz question! The song was written by Paul McCartney but was credited to Lennon and McCartney on the album, With The Beatles, released in 1963. It was the first of only a few occasions where McCartney wrote the lyrics before the music, as it was allegedly conceived as a poem while the Beatle was shaving.
McCartney envisioned it originally as a country and western song, hence George Harrison’s Nashville influenced guitar solo, and the music was written backstage on a piano during The Beatles’ Roy Orbison tour.
Like P.S. I Love You, All My Loving was written as if being in the form of a letter to a loved one, and promptly drew much critical acclaim. It was the band's opening number on their famous US debut performance on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964.
According to Alan Weiss, a TV producer who happened to be there, All My Loving was playing on the sound system at Roosevelt Hospital emergency room when John Lennon was pronounced dead after being shot by Mark David Chapman on 8th December 1980.
During live performances, George and Paul sang a duet together in the middle section of the song, after the lead guitar solo. In the studio version Paul sang both parts.
The album features eight original compositions including the first by George Harrison, and six covers, mostly of Mowtown and hits, which influenced both Lennon and McCartney.
Most of the songs from the album were released in the US IN 1964, and the remaining that weren't, were released on their next U.S. album, The Beatles Second Album.
The LP had advance orders of a half million and sold another half million by September 1965 — making it the second album to sell a million copies in the UK, the first being the South Pacific soundtrack. It stayed at the top of the charts for 21 weeks, displacing the bands first album Please Please Me, so that the Beatles occupied the top spot for 51 consecutive weeks.
Hot Legs by Rod Stewart
Highest UK Chart Position: No 5 February 1978
A proper rock track next, with this one by Scottish rocker Rod Stewart. The track was released in 1978, and did exceptionally well in the charts at the time. It is allegedly written about Britt Ekland, who Stewart was dating at the time it was written, and to be fair she did have pretty Hot Legs, in fact she almost warrants being a Hot Chick!
It was taken from Stewarts eighth album Footloose And Fancy Free, and was one of many in a long line of hits for the spikey haired rock legend.
Rod Stewart may have began his career as a respected singer, yet that respect eroded as he got older, as he became more concerned with stardom than music. While he has recorded some terrible albums, and he would admit that freely. Stewart was once rock & roll's best interpretive singer, as well as an accomplished songwriter, creating a raw combination of folk, rock, blues, and country that sounded like no other folk-rock or country-rock. Instead of finding the folk in rock, he found how folk rocked like hell on its own. After Stewart became successful, he began to lose the rootsier elements of his music, yet he remained a superb singer, even as he abandoned his own artistic path in favour of following pop trends.
Stewart began his musical career after spending some time as an apprentice with the Brentford Football Club. With the Jeff Beck Group, Rod Stewart began his climb to stardom. Stewart and the former Yardbird guitarist pioneered the heavy blues-rock team of a virtuoso guitarist and a dynamic, sexy lead vocalist which became the standard blueprint for heavy metal. Truth, the band's debut album, was released in the fall of 1968, becoming a hit in both America and Britain. The Jeff Beck Group toured both countries several times in 1968 and 1969, gaining a dedicated following. In the summer of 1969, they released their second album, Beck-Ola, which became another hit record in both the U.S. and U.K. However, the group fell apart in the fall. After rejecting an offer to join the American rock group Cactus, Stewart and Jeff Beck Group bassist Ron Wood joined the Small Faces, replacing the departed vocalist/guitarist Steve Marriott. With Wood switching over to guitar, the group shortened their name to the Faces and recorded their debut album in 1970. The following year proved to be pivotal in Stewart's career. At the beginning of 1971, the Faces released their second album, Long Player, which became a bigger hit than First Step, yet his third solo album, Every Picture Tells a Story, made Rod Stewart a household name, reaching number one in both America and Britain. Reason to Believe was the first single from the album, becoming a minor hit in both the countries, but when DJs began playing the b-side, Maggie May, the single became a number one hit in both the U.K. and U.S. for five weeks in September.
The following year, the Faces began a lengthy spring tour. During the tour, tensions grew within the band as Stewart's solo career increased in popularity, and he left to pursue his solo career. During his lengthy journey as an artist, Stewart has covered several genres of music, such as Disco and Rock and he is currently working his way as a bit of a crooner, as he works his way through the Great American Songbooks, with such classics as Baby Its Cold Outside, A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square, Embraceable You and What A Wonderful World.
Kyrie by Mr Mister
Highest UK Chart Position: No 11 March 1986
Kyrie was a hit song by the 1980’s pop/rock band Mr Mister, from their 1985 album Welcome To The Real World. Released in late 1985, it hit the top spot on the US charts in March of 1986, where it was number 1 for two weeks, following the success of their earlier hit Broken Wings.
The beginning of the song hears the vocalist singing Kyrie Eleison, which means Lord Have Mercy, which is a part of the Eastern Orthadox Liturgy.
Kyrie Eleison is a prayer that asks for, Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. The words translate from the Greek as Lord have mercy, or O Lord, have mercy, which meant that at the time, the bands fans were all singing along Lord Have Mercy, Down the Road that I must travel The religious significance was mostly lost.
This song is credited to lead singer Richard Page, keyboardist Steve George and lyricist John Lang. Clearing up an urban legend that Page wrote the song after being attacked, Richard Page said in an interview "Richard Page did write the music and melody, but I am the one who wrote the lyrics. I got the inspiration from singing it as a kid in an Episcopal church in Phoenix. Also, 'Kyrie' had nothing to do with Richard being assaulted, mainly because it wasn't Richard who was assaulted - it was me! But that happened 3 years before writing 'Kyrie,' and had nothing to do with that song."
When the first Mr. Mister album, I Wear the Face, was released in 1984, Page was offered the chance to replace Bobby Kimball as lead singer of Toto, and later was offered Peter Cetera's place in Chicago, but he refused both offers.
The second album, 1985's Welcome to the Real World, with lyrics from John Lang, was the breakthrough for Mr. Mister, with three top 10 singles, two of which hit number 1 on the U.S. pop charts. They had several number 1 MTV videos and headlined the first MTV Spring Break show in 1986.
During this time, Mr. Mister toured with other popular acts including Don Henley, The Bangles, Eurythmics, Tina Turner, and Adam Ant, for whom the song "Stand and Deliver" was written. This song eventually appeared on Mr. Mister's third album, Go On, which the band said was "some of the best stuff we ever did," showing a much more mature band and a sound that hinted at prog rock. Nevertheless, Go On... was not a commercial success.
Guitarist Steve Farris left around 1989, replaced by Buzz Fieten and later Trevor Rabin. The band began working on a fourth album, Pull, with session guitarists, but were dropped by their label before it could be released, and the band decided to break up. The album remains unreleased to this day, although one track Waiting in My Dreams later appeared on a 2001 greatest hits collection by the band.
Sexed Up by Robbie Williams
Highest UK Chart Position: No 10 November 2003
Another Robbie track to end with this week, after the success of last weeks Sin Sin Sin, don’t let it be said I don’t give the crowd what they want! Released as the fourth and last single from his album Escapology in late 2003. It was originally released in 1998 in demo form as the b-side to his single No Regrets.The single became another top ten for Williams in the United Kingdom when it was released in November that year, and the song managed to break into the top ten in a few other European countries, including Hungary and Denmark. The song reached a massive success in Brazil, being on top of the chart for three weeks. During this period the song was the love theme of two popular characters in the Brazilian soap opera Mulheres Apaixonadas.
Taken from his fifth solo effort Escapology, and his last with producer and co-songwriter Guy Chambers. Critics were negative about the album, calling it "stale songs, formulaic arrangements, and mediocre song writing” and that it was probably Robbie’s weakest album to date.
However, fans and some critics had the opinion that Escapology was an enormous masterpiece. The most successful singles released from the album were Feel and Something Beautiful. Escapology was arguably conceived as a concept album due to its lyrics being totally reflective about Williams' life as a popstar in Los Angeles, particularly his hopes, with Hot Fudge, and fears, with Monsoon.
Williams has said of the album that "half of it is written from the standpoint of 'Look, this is really me with my tears of a clown. Do they love me or hate me?' The rest of it is about somebody that I have to think I am to get up onstage. Because little me wouldn't get up there. It's too scary!"
Williams started his world tour in the summer of 2003, and he was about to do three live concerts in Knebworth. The three shows attracted a total of 375,000 fans breaking the record for most attendance in this venue
Escapology ended 2002 as the best selling album of the year in the United Kingdom with 1.4 million copies sold, by the end of 2003 the album had sold almost 2 million copies being certified 6 times Platinum by the BPI, and becoming the 60th Best Selling album in UK Music History. Worldwide the album went on to sell over 7.5 million copies.
And now another delve into what might have been. This week we see one of the most significant and cultural heroes of music in a different light. Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley was a Jamaican, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and activist.
Marley is best known for his reggae songs, which include the hits "I Shot The Sheriff, No Woman No Cry, Three Little Birds, Exodus, Could You Be Loved, Stir It Up, Jammin‘, Redemption Song and One Love. His posthumous compilation album Legend is the best-selling reggae album ever, with sales of more than 12 million copies. But what if Bob had strayed from his Rasta roots and beliefs and been drawn into a different style. Here we see classical Cellist
Marley, even so I’m sure his dreads would of made him the best damn Cellist in Jamaica!
Ok then thats enough music for this week. Lets now head off to the movies to see what I can offer you in the mould of a future Hollywood Blockbuster, if they ever bother to take any notice of the brilliant scripts I keep sending them.......

An amateur Brazilian football team was going through their usual training ritual in a small park backing onto a row of houses. Suddenly Judge Rosemeire Conceicao appeared waving a warrant for their mass arrest, and the police rounded them up and took them off to the local nick. It turned out the Judge lived in one of the adjoining houses that ran alongside the park, and the footballers had ignored her warnings to stop kicking the ball against her wall! She claimed they had caused structural damage and also disturbed her privacy. The team was eventually released on bail, and the judge attempted to sue them privately.
Well thats almost it for another week folks. Its been a lot of fun bringing all this lot together this week, and I think you may well be seeing a lot more magazine covers in the future with Captain Jack orientated covers! Not that thy are faked in any way of course, genuine er off the shelf material this lot. Before I depart again for another week here is the answer to this weeks Every Picture, an absolute breeze I know but as you will of probably already guessed the answer was of course.............
So I know you all guessed it with the clues.....didn't you!!!!! And with that I bid you all farewell for another week. Remember Capatin Jack Fans its only seven days until we do this all over again! I know fantastic isn't it. Until next week Me Hearties Ta Ra

Dr. Raymond Stantz: Everything was fine with our system until our power grid was shut off by dickless here.
Walter Peck: They caused an explosion!
Mayor: Is this true?
Dr. Peter Venkman: Yes, it's true. This man has no dick.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Well, that's what I heard!

This has been a Captain Jacks Tracks Production 2008
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