Hello again folks to this week jam packed with action blog. So how have we all been then. Not to taxing on the brain I hope! Last week saw the introduction of a brand new look, with a few new features to add to the already bulging blog, and this week you will notice one or two little additions that I have worked on, and yes you’ve guessed it, another couple of little features to add on.
So what of this week then. Well your Captain has been quite busy with the old researching for the blog. Just so the wife doesn’t get to suspicious, I’ve laid off the hot chicks and concentrated on the Captain Jack Cocktails, but that in turn led me to looking for more hot chicks as the drink took over! Anyway I’m sure that all will become apparent as you read on.
As for the Planet Rock campaign, Quite a few positives from this week, with three bands coming out publicly in support of the Save Planet Rock Campaign. Take a bow The Answer, Marillion and Magnum!! I shall continue pestering whoever I can think of during the next week and see who else we can get on board. The petition sites are gaining ever more signatures, over 1500 on the youchoose one and over 700 on the Downing Street petition. If you haven’t added your name then please do. This is a worthwhile campaign, and the station is starting to create lots of interest now, and yet again the listening figures have rose, like I said last week, its surprising that the BBC Radio 6 station which has about 100,000 less listeners a day, has not even been mentioned in the DAB cull, yet Planet Rock has. Show your support and keep Britain Rocking folks!

So what have we got for you to look forward to this week then. Well all the regulars are here again, guess the song, Ronnie Wood’s Bull Plop, another fine Classic Track, a very Hot Chick, more crew members, It’s a Funny Old Game, a little drink in the cocktail bar, four Karaoke Classics (I thought it was time the section had a title folks) and all the rest of the gubbins, plus a couple of added extra’s to tickle your funny bones again, oh and a special report on one of your favourite T.V. shows, but lets crack on now with our little quiz known as……

So you look at the picture, and after are three brilliantly disguised clues as to the title of the said song, thus giving you the perfect opportunity to guess the hidden title of the said song! Then read on merrily through the rest of the blog, and just before the end, the answer will be revealed in all its glory savvy! Anyway here is the picture for you to peruse.

2. The lyrics of the song are an elaborate tribute to Noel Coward
3. In manga comic the songs title is the name of a famous male escort agency, which went on to be the basis of the gang in Quinten Tarentino’s Kill Bill films.
Got it, I’m sure you have, but if not carry on reading and the answer is not to far away!
But now its time for this weeks latest edition into the Captain Jacks Hall Of Fame, with my classic track.

Classic Track # 7
Well lets face it, this one was bound to be on here sooner or later, and it does kind of have all the qualities of my previous classic tracks. Highway To Hell is the opening track of the group's 1979 album, wait for it, Highway To Hell.The song was written by Bon Scott, Angus Young and brother Malcolm Young, while the main guitar riff was created by Malcolm Young. The track has become one of the most famous songs in Rock history.

AC/DC had made several studio albums before and was constantly supporting them by going on a grueling tour schedule. The song and album's title supposedly came after a reporter asked band members if they could describe what life was like being constantly on tour. Angus replied that when your out on tour on a bus with another guys sock in your face night after night, then that was "a f@#*ing highway to Hell", and the name stuck.

Rumours persisted that the band members were satanists, and the album cover depicting Angus with devil horns and tail only added fuel to the fire. The band has denied having anything to do with Satanism, Malcolm Young having even commented that "me mum would kill me for that!”
The origin of the title of the song more likely comes from lead singer Bon Scott who came from Perth in Western Australia. Scott's local pub, The Raffles Hotel, was on Canning Highway at the bottom of a very steep hill, at an intersection which saw so many road crashes the road became known as the Highway to Hell. If you listen to the lyrics it becomes very obvious that Bon was singing about going down to his local pub for a drink, and for good times with his mates, and to get there he'd travel Canning Highway, the Highway To Hell.
Nevertheless, this track brought AC/DC its first million-copy-selling album, and sent Highway to Hell to number 17 on the charts. Scott would be found dead in the back of a friend's car just over six months later. On February 19th 1980, Bon Scott passed out after a night of heavy drinking in a London club called Music Machine, better known as Camden Palace, and was left to sleep in a car owned by an acquaintance named Alistair Kinnear. The following afternoon, after Kinnear had found Scott lifeless and alerted authorities, Scott was rushed to King’s College Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Although it was reported claims that pulmonary aspiration of vomit or drugs were the cause of Scott's death, the official cause was listed as acute alcohol poisoning and death by misadventure. Scott was cremated and his ashes were interred by his family in Fremantle, the area to which they had immigrated when he was a child.
The success of the Highway to Hell song and album set AC/DC on track to record its most famous album and tribute to Bon, Back In Black, with new lead singer Brian Johnson, one year later.

The song has been covered by rock icons, with Marilyn Manson, and Chester Bennington with Slash, and also Slash’s own band Snakepit to name a few, but it is also the inspiration behind Jack Black’s character, Dewey Finn, in the hit film School Of Rock, where Black dressed up as Angus Young in his school uniform in the film.

"Er, where to?" he stammers.
"Just take me to the Station," answers the woman.
"You got it," he nods, taking another long glance in the mirror.
Looking up, the woman catches him staring. "Just what the hell are you looking at, driver?"
The driver coughs politely. "Well, I'd just noticed that you're completely naked."
"Well I was just wondering how you'll pay your fare." Nodding slowly, the woman spreads her legs and puts her feet up on the front seat headrests.
"Well," she smiles at the driver. "Does this answer your question?"
"Bloody hell," cries the cabbie, still staring in the mirror. "Got anything smaller?"

Ya har me old scallywags, an welcome one an all to my latest crew member. This weeks wench sets her sail on her vessel known as The Drunken Whore, an she goes by the name of Gurglin’ Julia Napier, or as ye landlubbers know her, Paris Hilton, Shiver Me Timbers Aaaarr Jim Lad.
This bilge sucking temptress of the waves is well know aboard ship for her pieces of eight, and can oft be heard asking to weigh anchor in poop bay. Ah ha matey!
Her love of the grog has got her into the briny deep me hearties, and she once had a spell in shackles after bein caught three sheet to the wind once to often. Thar she blows!
Always kept shipshape, this fair lassie is a regular at Jolly Roger, and many a sea dog has a tale or two about her cat o nine tails. Splice the main brace with booty ye old Hornswaggler.
I must heave ho now me hearties, but be sure to venture back here next week for more of the crew. Aaaaarrrrrhggh!

And now folks its that moment you have all been waiting for. That old rabscalion Ronnie has been out and about scouring the celebrity world for this weeks.....
So here we are again with Ronnie Wood’s chance to bring you the latest celebrity gossip in his own inimitable way, through the means of art, and what has he found for us this week then. Well it’s a kind of weird one this week, but when you see who its by, all will make sense I’m sure.
Pop superstar Robbie Williams claims he seen UFO’s several times. The Stokie Singer say’s he may even give up his music and become a full time ufologist!
Robbie said he also believes ghosts are from other worlds. He claims he first saw a UFO as a kid in Burslem, but that can be explained as just a bad Vale performance!
Another was above a hotel in Beverley Hills. During an interview by his showbiz pal Joss Stone, he told her he had been lying on a sun lounger one night after a heavy session in the bar, when he saw glowing light above his head, that passed over him before shooting off, Hmm we’ve all been there matey! After also claiming in the interview in believing in ghosts, the chirpy chappy said “People will think I’m mental, which I am!” No as if!
So as you can see Ronnie has caught the Robster walking alone in the woods, probably after a little tipple at the Captain Jack Cocktail bar, with a rather surprised look on his face. Good old Ronnie, keep up the good work. More celebrity shenanigans next week.
If ever my advertising campaign was appropriate, then I think that picture just about sums up how nuts the celebrity world is, do you know how much I had to pay NASA to get that space dude to hold that bleeding note up in the air, and it wasn't even written in the right font! Bloody cheapskates! Anyway its mid session time, and before you get all hot under the collar, its time for this weeks little game in..........
Now after all that fun shooting Hilary, well lets face it Bill's shot at her a few times in the White House I'm sure, its time for this weeks...........
Now here we are again at the point in the blog that send temperatures rising, yes its time for another of my Hot Chicks. This week I have chosen a young lady on her looks alone, no acting, no drink related mishaps, no boob jobs, no throwing up in the back of Paris Hiltons car, just your everyday swimsuit model, proving that my Hot Chick don’t all have to be household names to make it on the list, just, well hot!
Marisa Miller was born on August 6th 1978, and is an American model. She is known for her many appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Magazine and Victoria’s Secret catalogues . She is the cover model for the 2008 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Born Marisa Bertetta in Santa Cruz, California, she was first discovered at age 16 walking through a San Francisco café by two Italian modeling agents. After talking to her mum Krista Bertetta, she was on a plane to Italy with her mum a few months later.
Marisa says that the most valuable thing that her mum has ever told her was "You can always go back to school but you may not always be able to model."
Marisa took her mum's advice and soon gained attention when she appeared in a 1997 issue of Perfect 10 magazine. Although she came in third behind Ashley Degenfeld and Monica Hansen in Perfect 10 magazine's first annual model search, she was repeatedly showcased in following issues, including the covers of the Winter 1998, Aug/Sept 1999, and Fall 2004 editions. She has two sisters and attended Monte Vista Christian School in Watsonville, California, where she learnt all her good old fashioned Christian values, like being photographed with your norks hanging half out.
Typically, Marisa was able to move from a start as an amateur magazine model to high profile mainstream work after she was spotted by fashion photographer Mario Testino in California in 2001.
Noticing Marisa, Mario snapped pictures of her and approached her for a job offer. Soon after, Marisa worked with the likes of Victoria’s Secret and has appeared in every issue of the coveted Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition since 2002.
In particular, she was featured in the 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2008 editions' sections of body painting, featuring the work of Joanne Gair.
Raphael Mazzucco's photograph of Marisa wearing nothing but an iPod in the 2007 edition became one of the most famous photos ever published in that magazine.
In 2004, she served as a modeling judge in the short-lived reality television series Manhunt:The search for America‘s next hunk, and the same year she also appeared in Puddle Of Mudd's music video for Spin You Around. In 2007, Marisa shot her first T.V. commercial for Victoria's Secret with fellow supermodel Heidi Klum, causing quite a stir unexpectedly drawing more attention than Klum, as well as appearing in a cameo on the HBO show Entourage.
Marisa married Jim Miller, a Los Angeles surfing contest promoter and lifeguard from California in 2000, boo, but separated from him in 2002, hooray!. They divorced soon after. She has since married Hollywood producer, Griffin Guess in 2006, boo again!
Marisa enjoys American Football, and she is a keen Philadelphia Eagles fan, muscle cars, cooking, and boxing. From an early age she loved surfing, was a standout volleyball player on her high school team, and has long been a big sports fan in general. She's said that if she weren't a model she would be a sportscaster.
As you can see here the life of a swimsuit model is not all fun. First of all you get your highly tanned bottom being stared at by a pervy photographer while your standing in your underwear.
Then your made to stand in the cold water, tells you to take your top off and then stand in there with just your bikini bottoms on!
Then kneel on the sand almost naked with just your arms covering your threpney bits!
You know I really must think of a career change, this photography lark seems like a dream come true! Well you have been warned about new features popping up, and before we head to the Cocktail Lounge, here is the latest and greatest addition to the blog.........
Its been the biggest film franchise ever, and the whole of the worlds nerds are waiting with baited breath for George Lucas to bring out his Clone Wars T.V. series later in the year. That’s right Star Wars. Now we all know and love the regular characters, you know R2 D2, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, Darth Vader to name but a few, but what if just what if some of our more illustrious celebs had got the parts in the films, what would we of made of that. Well here is your chance to find out. Every week I’ll bring you another top celeb and the Star Wars they would look best at playing, if they had got the role that is!
Yes you’ve got it, it’s Mr T as Yoda. I Ain’t getting’ on no Millennium Falcon Fool!
Now as you know this little blog like to keep you informed on all the best T.V. shows, and after those pesky writer had their little strike and put the scheduals back a decade I have an announcement on the latest news for one of mine and I'm sure one of your fave shows.
I’ve got good news and bad news for you fans of Fox’s hit series “24.” Want to hear the good news first? The network has OK’ed a special two-hour TV movie that will bridge the gap between the end of the sixth season and the start of the upcoming seventh season. Sounds decent, right? Well, here comes the bad news: you won’t get to see the movie until this fall and the start of the seventh season of “24” has been pushed back to January 2009.
All of this comes as part of the fallout of the three-month long writers strike. The show was in production when the strike hit Hollywood so only eight of the planned-for 24 episodes of this new year could be finished. The delay actually worked out for everyone since Kiefer Sutherland had to do some jail time as a result of a DUI conviction. Nevertheless, it appears that Fox doesn’t want to start broadcasting the show until all of the episodes are in the can.
The seventh season was going to be a little different than earlier ones in that for the first time ever the show’s setting would be based in Washington D.C., the new home for the Counter-Terrorism Unit, and not Los Angeles (Jack Bauer has probably blown up too much stuff around the greater Los Angeles area anyway.) As well, the show was going to introduce a female president (to be played by Cherry Jones).
There’s no word on what the storyline will be for the “24” movie or if the show’s producers will adapt the episodic real-time nature of the regular episodes to the two-hour show. Maybe the makers are using their idea for a proposed feature length “24” movie that Fox was kicking around for a while.
I know its not everyones cup of tea, but I have watched it from the start, and like most T.V. shows with a cult status, it does get you excited if you have watched it from the start. Anyway does anyone fancy a little drinky. Well lets go and have one or three then.
Welcome one and all to the cocktail lounge. Here we have for you another super little drinkie to try, and of course, so you don’t go off half cocked, I’ll try a couple myself, just well, you know to let you know how they taste, purely scientific of course. And this weeks tasty tipple should be, I’m told, drank very carefully as it’s a bit of a strong one.
1 measure of Dark Rum
1 measure of White Rum
1 measure of pineapple juice
1 teaspoon of caster sugar
Pour the ingredients together into a cocktail shaker and strain into a long tumbler. Decorate the glass with a cherry, and a slice of pineapple.
Right were off then. Bottoms Up. Hmmm ooohh that’s got a bit of a kick too it. Right lets have another then. Sho hello ofishher wot are you doin here. Oi thresh no need to get ruf matey. Im jush havin a little dwinkey poo. No im not parked oushide. Whayt do you mean thers bbeen a complaint. Tell em to come and have a cuddle here wiv me.
Sho do you cum herr offen den. No onest I’ve only had the two dwinks. Now thersg no kneed to call for back up, Its alwight oshifer I come quiteky, quality, quiglifyt, as soon ash I can schtnad up, Eh up whast that ooooh itshc the floor!! BUrrrpp!
Right the fun moves into the music world now. As usual we have all your favourite sections, all now with brand spanking new logos to boot. So lets get started with this weeks........
Genesis - Mama
Wembley London 1987

Oooohh its all shiny and got its own title now. Yes here is the brand new Karaoke Classics section. Its just a way of filling space really!. So this week what little ditties do I bring to you this week. Well I did get to sing four songs, but one was, well shall we say, thrust upon me, and to be fair was not my choice, so I will only be writing up on three songs this week. All will become clear in a minute. So this weeks songs were as follows, 1. Rosalie by Thin Lizzy 2. Who’s Got A Match by Biffy Clyro 3. Rockstar by Nickleback and 4. Paradise By The Dashboard Light by Meatloaf (Yet again with little Leeane, I’m getting drawn into the only sing the same stuff club! Still it is a great song……not!)
Rosalie by Thin Lizzy
Highest UK Chart Position: No 21 June 1978
An absolute gem of a track first up this week. Thin Lizzy covered this Bob Segar track, and with Phil Lynotts style, they made the track their own. The song by Segar had a much more country feel to it, but Thin Lizzy gave it that rock edge which made it one of their most popular live tracks, with Lynott often commenting during the guitar break, “Are there any of the girls in the audience with ant Irish in them?…..Is there any girls in the audience who would like any Irish in them!”
The group was founded in late 1969 in Dublin, by Lynott, guitarist Eric Bell, electric organist Eric Wrixon and drummer Brian Downey. Wrixon was gone by early 1970, and the group relocated to London in 1971. Signing a contract with Decca Records, Thin Lizzy's first hit came in 1973, with Whiskey In The Jar, a version of a traditional Irish song.
After that the rest is history as the band wrote itself into British Rock Legend with its edgy Irish style, and Phil Lynotts loveable character.
Lynott lived the life of a rock legend, befriending another loveable Irish rogue of the time George Best, who referred to Phil as the only guy he knew who could match him drink for drink. Lynott's last years were dogged by drug and alcohol dependency, and on the night of Christmas Day 1985, he was rushed to hospital suffering from a kidney and liver infection. He died of heart failure and pneumonia on 4th January 1986 at the tender age of 36, fifteen years to the day of the release of Thin Lizzy’s debut album.
A life-size bronze statue of Phil Lynott was unveiled on Harry Street, Dublin in 2005. The ceremony was attended by former band members Gary Moore, Brian Robertson, Brian Downey, and Scott Gorham, and by Lynott's mother, Philomena. The attending Thin Lizzy members paid tribute with a live performance. His grave in St Fintans Cemetary in Sutton is regularly visited by family, friends, and fans.
In 2006, a Thin Lizzy tribute band played at the Nerve Center, Derry, in memory of Phil Lynott. During the gig, Phil Lynott's mother came onto the stage and sang vocals on Dancin' in the Moonlight in memory of her son.
The same year, Lynott's mother allowed Micky Waters, bass guitarist of The Answer, to be the first to play her son's bass since his death. The bass was also used in the band's music video for the single Keep Believin‘.
Who’s Got A Match by Biffy Clyro
Highest UK Chart Position: No 27 February 2008
Well you really have to see them live to appreciate them, honest. This is the fifth single off the bands hugely successful album Puzzle, which has been on Kerrang Magazines must own list since it was released in 2007.
Biffy Clyro affectionately known just as Biffy, are from Ayreshire, Scotland, and consist of members are lead vocalist and guitarist, Simon Neil, James Johnson on bass and Ben Johnson on drums. Although the band have always had a dedicated following and have been around since the mid-1990s as well as producing an EP and four albums, it is only in 2007 with their fourth album, Puzzle that they have found real commercial success. This album is seen as less heavy and experimental, and more widely accessible and has won wide critical acclaim, however many of the fans that had followed the band for a long time have not warmed especially to the new direction of their music. Puzzle has been championed on TV and radio, especially Radio Ones Jo Wiley and Colin Murray, and Biffy have promoted it with a tour and many festival performances over the summer of 2007, including the Download Festival at Donnington.
Biffy's sound is a heavy but melodic mixture of guitar, bass and drums, with all three band members contributing to vocals. They are known for complex and interwoven guitar picks, strums and melodies, that change many times within each track.
The band themselves cite influences ranging from rock heavyweights such as Metallica, to prog legends Rush, while reviewers are often quick to link their sound to the likes of Nirvana, particularly in their use of shifting dynamics and melodies. The band utilise a quiet-loud dynamic, constructing songs that can range from a whisper-quiet pick on the guitar, to huge walls of noise with massive distortion and crashing drums.
While Simon Neil sings lead, all three members provide vocals, ranging from screaming to multi-part harmonies. Only when seen live is it possible to discern who is singing, as the three vocals intertwine so effectively. Their style of songwriting often depends on constant changes in volume, timing and even genre, displaying an eclectic range of influences even within one song. However, on Puzzle they seem to have developed a more straightforward rock style, saying that they no longer need to make every song complex. However, the sound still retains Biffy's trademark 'size', with orchestral arrangements on some tracks helping to maintain this. The lyrics are often cryptic, with obscure influences from literature, although many tracks on Puzzle appear to be a reaction to bereavement, likely the recent passing away of lead singer Simon Neil's mother, and a search for meaning in our mortality.
Rockstar by Nickleback
Highest UK Chart Position: No 2
Now by the end of this you might think by the end of this write up that I don’t like this song, or this band for that matter, hmmm toughie that one. You see I have this thing about Nickleback. I sang How You Remind Me last week, as a kind of prelude to singing Rockstar. Now HYRM was the bands biggest hit until Rockstar, that’s a fact. In 2005 Nickleback released their fifth album All The Right Reasons, and heavily toured the album, supporting Bon Jovi (No lookie likey comparisons there then!) on their World Tour. The song was released in 2005, off the back of the album, but did nothing in the charts either here or in the states.
But in 2007 the song was remixed with a new video, and voila, it has become the bands biggest hit so far.
The song details the stereotype that some people have about the life of a rockstar. The lyrics describe the desires of a person aspiring to fame, and features many beliefs of what fame can bring. When the song was first released, no video was shot for the track, but on its re-release the video was shot with celebrities and non-celebrities lip synching to the lyrics.
The non-celebrities are often filmed in front of iconic landmarks, such as Times Square in New York and The Millennium Footbridge in London. Celebrities include Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top, who voices his lines in the song, Chuck Liddle , Dale Earnhardt Jnr, Elisa Dushku, Gene Simmons, Wayne Gretsky and Nelly Furtado. Sometimes the lyric they are lip synching relates to themselves. At the end of the video Nickelback is shown playing live on stage.
Now this thing I have about the band is, well I just think they live by their own lyrics to much. They do appear to think they are big Rockstars, well if that’s the case how come its taken two years for anyone to like the song. I listened to the album when it came out, and it was less than awe inspiring then, and to be fair, its far from the best song on the album. It is catchy, granted, but more irritating in a few weeks catchy than How You Remind Me Catchy.
The band seem to have fell into the cheesy pop rock band culture, rather than the hard rocking band they once aspired to be, but then this is the age of throw away rock, and if you can have a hit with a song that over two years old then good luck to you. I will reserve my judgement on the band for now, and just go with the majority who missed this song when it was first released, and who knows, when their next big hit comes around in about three years time, then maybe we can all jump on that bandwagon as well. Good song but definitely a marmite band!
Paradise By The Dashboard Light by Meatloaf
No UK Chart Release
Now lets face it, in time I've told you about the song, the video, the singer and the writer of the song, so whats next. Well it does seem I'm the resident Meatloaf singer, so to give someone else a chance here is the Karaoke version, so you can practice and have a go yourself. Enjoy!
Now with all that top music to entertain you, how about a bit of alternative musical history in...............

I shudder at the thought of that every time I look at the picture and see his beady little eyes poking out at me, God its like a nightmare! So enough lets move on sharply to the next block buster that will never be seen in......
Now come on, who wouldn't want to see that one. And I'm sure that a great role could be found for Rodney and they could even dig up Uncle Albert! So that's almost it folks. As you know the Fifa games have hit a halt, with Shaun still on undercover operations in Russia, so here again is the take over section, known as..........
Graham Souness, once Southampton manager, was drawn into the daftest football transfer ever. Souness received a call from someone claiming to be George Weah, World Footballer Of The Year at the time, recommending he sign his cousin from Senagal, one Ali Dia.
Souness fell for it hook, line and as it turned out, stinker. Dia was signed and made his debut as a sub against Leeds United. Souness watch stunned and open mouthed as Dia struggled to control the ball and continue to run round like a headless chicken, with no idea of positioning.
The player was then substituted after only 20 minutes and never kicked another ball for Southampton. He joined non league Gateshead and was equally useless for them. When Souness met George Weah at a match, he asked if he knew him. “Ali Dia? Never heard of him!”
Well thats nearly it folks for another week. Seems like such a long time ago now, but here is the answer to Every Picture Sings A Song, where you have to get one song right, not 75! (Nice One Shaun). Well it was a bit obvious this week. Of course the answer was..........
So another week is over, and soon it will be all starting again, ready for next weeks exciting blog. More intensive hours will be put to good use for your entertainment again. Thanks again for being here, without you all I would just be a figment of my over active imagination. Until next time I will leave you with this weeks Classic Film Quote. See ya me Hearties!
"You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"
1 comment:
I can think of one person who would probably like the Alternative Rolling Stones - Your mum!!
Very good blog again as usual. love the logo's your beginning to get too good at all the design stuff.
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